Chapter 9

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“Everyone,” Wei Ying said solemnly. Everyone’s ears perked up, anticipating that he had something important to say.

“We’ve got an important mission to complete.”


Wei Ying looked at his sons and husband; determined expressions were clearly etched on each of their faces. "You ready?” They nodded. Wei Ying quickly filled them in on the talk he had with the Stygian Yin Seal. 

They decided that four people would be tasked with retrieving the seal. Lan Zhan, Sizhui, and Jingyi would accompany Wei Ying to the cave. They would use an invisibility talisman to sneak into the cave in order to avoid enemy detection.

The invisibility talisman was invented by Wei Ying himself- not even a faint trace of the user’s presence could be perceived by anyone except other users of the talisman. 

The others watched as they activated the talisman and slowly turned invisible. Once Wei Ying confirmed that the talisman was working, they set out on their mission.

“Where’s Jin Ling?” Sizhui asked his mother.

“Oh, he’s left earlier than us. I’ve given him something important to do.” Wei Ying said.

“What’s up with that?” Jingyi asked with genuine curiosity. Wei Ying grinned.

“It’ll turn out fine, don’t worry about it.”

After a few minutes, Wei Ying and his party reached the cold lake where the cave was located. Wei Ying carefully waddled into the lake, shivering slightly as he felt the rush of chilly water against his body. They made their way to the cave entrance and went deeper into it.

Down inside the cave, Wei Ying shook himself, sending water droplets flying everywhere. Lan Zhan, who was travelling next to him, took the brunt of the sudden spray.

"Wei Ying, you okay?" Lan Zhan asked with a frown. He straightened up and gracefully brushed the water droplets off his clothes.

“Is Lan er-gege worried about me?”  Wei Ying teased.

Lan Zhan gave him a stern look. “This is a serious mission.”

“You need to lighten up, Lan Zhan!” Wei Ying bumped into him playfully. 

“You’re still in the mood for jokes, so you’re fine. Looks like we can go faster.”

“Hey, wait! Lan Zhan! Lan Zhaaaan!”

Jingyi and Sizhui exchanged smiles. Their parents were flirting again.

With Wei Ying and Lan Zhan bantering all the way, they all walked until they reached the place where the Grandmaster of Lan Sect was Guarding the seal. 

“Talismans off!” Jingyi said, removing his own. The others did the same.

Now visible, they entered the cave. They were greeted by an odd strumming sound. The sound seemed to be closing in on Wei Ying. Noticing this, Jingyi and Sizhui quickly entered defensive stances. Lan Zhan, however, remained perfectly calm. He took off his forehead ribbon and tied it to Wei Ying’s wrist.

The strumming sound stopped abruptly.

“What was that?” Jingyi asked.

“I think it was targeting Mother.” Sizhui said thoughtfully.

“The Grandmaster is guarding the seal here. She has made sure that only a Lan can enter this place. Since I am not a Lan yet, it was trying to stop me. By tying this ribbon around my wrist, Lan Zhan showed that I am his soulmate. That's why the qupin stopped." Wei Ying explained.

"That's right. I made sure no one could enter this place,”

Everyone turned to see a woman in Lan clothes sitting before them, a rabbit in her lap.

“So why have you come here?”

Lan Zhan bowed. "I am Lan Zhan, courtesy name Lan Wangji, and a member of Gusu Lan Sect. This is my husband, Wei Ying of the Yunmeng Jiang Sect.” He gestured to Sizhui and Jingyi. “And these are our children, Lan Sizhui and Lan Jingyi. It is our honour to be in your presence, Grandmaster Lan Yi.”

“We know what is here in this cave, and we would like your help.” Wei Ying said.

"My help? There is not much I can do as I have not left this cave in many years, but I shall hear your request.”

Wei Ying nodded. “Go ahead, Sizhui.”

Sizhui went on to explain everything: about their past lives, time travelling, Wei Ying’s recent visions and the mission they had received. After he was finished, Lan Yi said, "I see. I shall give the seal to you four; the Stygian amulet has chosen his new owner." 

"What about Grandmaster? Won't you come with us?" Jingyi questioned, tilting his head. Lan Yi gave him a small smile.

"I betrayed her trust. After all, she told me not to go searching for the seal. I doubt she be happy to see me.” she said sadly.

“Of course she’d be happy to see you. She loves you, after all,” Wei Ying pointed out. “In fact, I’m sure she misses having you around.”

Lan Yi gave a deep sigh.

“It’s true that it has been very long…” There was a faraway look in her eyes. “Very well. I will accompany you to see her.”

Soon, they found the exit. As soon as they stepped out, they found two people waiting for them: Jin Ling and Baoshan Sanren. 

“It’s you.” Lan Yi’s voice was filled with emotion. “I’ve missed you so much.”

Baoshan Sanren didn’t say a word. She held her arms out and Lan Yi ran towards her, allowing herself to be wrapped in her mate’s passionate embrace once more.

Jin Ling came up to Wei Ying. “You got the seal?” 

“Yep,” Wei Ying confirmed. He turned to Baoshan Sanren. “I’m heading back. Make sure nobody sees you two.”

Baoshan Sanren nodded and watched him walk away, Lan Yi crying softly in her arms.

“I am so sorry for everything I did.” Lan Yi murmured.

"There’s no need to apologize, silly,” Baoshan Sanren said gently. “You are here with me now. Let's go back together.”

Seeing them reunited once more, Wei Ying felt  indescribable joy. His heart full, he made his way back to the others.

“Ready?” Lan Zhan asked.

“I’m always ready for you.” Wei Ying said mischievously.

Lan Zhan cracked a small smile. “Let’s head back quickly, then.”

They activated their invisibility talismans, and soon they were gone.

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