Chapter 3

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It's been a few days since Wei Ying told madam Yu and Mengyao the truth. Wei Ying had been in his room, making the spirit attraction flag and compass of evil. He had already finished making the spirit attraction flag and had given it a signature mark which represented that he made it. He used the crow as his signature mark since crows represent intelligence.

The only thing Wei Ying had yet to make was the compass of evil, but he wanted to make it differently then before. Wei Ying was deep in thought while thinking about the compass. He wanted to show how powerful the ghosts and spirits were in the compass of evil, but he also wanted it to be able to tell what type of ghost they are dealing with. The only problem now was that Wei Ying had no clue how to do that. He needed ideas from someone else.

Wei Ying snapped out of his train of thoughts when he heard someone knocking on his bedroom door. He immediately reconized Jiang Cheng's voice as he asked "Wei ying, are you in there?" Wei Ying stood up and opened the door "I am, what is it?" he asked. Jiang Cheng looked at Wei Ying and said "You've been spending way too much time in your room, jie was getting worried. She wanted to come and see you, but that peacock came to visit her, so I came instead."

Wei Ying smirked "ChengCheng, are you worried about me? This big brother of yours is so happy!" He said in a teasing tone. "Who's your ChengCheng!?" Jiang Cheng asked with a sneer as a blush spread all over his cheeks. Wei Ying chuckled and went inside, sitting down together with Jiang Cheng. Only after he sat down did Jiang Cheng really notice what a mess Wei Ying's room had become. There were papers, cloths, and all kinds of stuff all over the room. Jiang Cheng frowned "What are you making? And what is this weird gown with a crow painting?" Wei Ying saw that the gown with a crow painting he was referring to was the spirit attraction flag and smiled mischievously at Jiang Cheng. "That's a spirit attraction flag, it's one of my new inventions" Wei Ying said with that grin still plastered on his face.

Jiang Cheng looked up at Wei Ying with a confused look in his eyes, and tilted his head the tiniest bit to the right. "Spirit attraction flag? What the hell is that?!" Jiang Cheng asked after finally snapping out of his confusion. Wei Ying only smiled at his reaction and said "It attracts spirits and ghosts that are within the range of 10 meters." Jiang Cheng took the paper that was on the table and looked at the information for the compass of evil on it that he had written. "Compass of evil? Can this help us during night hunts? Are you making it now?" Jiang Cheng asked him. Wei ying replied to him with a simple "yeah, but I'm having some trouble with the diagram."

"What's the problem?" Jiang Cheng asked. Wei ying looked at him and told him that he wanted to make the compass of evil in such way that it could tell which type of ghost they're dealing with, how strong they are and where they're coming from. With that information in mind Jiang Cheng replied to him with "Why not use colours to differentiate them then?" Wei Ying straightened up from where he was slumped down and asked "What do you mean?" Jiang Cheng answered with "I mean that use colors like red for fierce ghost or something. If you want to show how strong they are then devide the red in three different shades. You could write weak, strong and powerful. That way we can see which type of ghost we're dealing with. You can use black to show resentful energy and puppets. Then purple for water ghouls, waterborn abyss' and things like that."

Wei Ying smiled and happily said "Oh Jiang Cheng, you're amazing! I'll start making it immediately." Wei Ying started making a diagram to show what it would look like. A few hours later Wei Ying had finished making two compasses of evil. He exclaimed with an excited "Finally! It's done!" Wei ying looked at Jiang Cheng, who was still in the room. All that remained was to test them. Jiang Cheng asked why he made two intead of one and Wei Ying replied by saying that he wanted someone elses opinion as well. So he was going to send one of the compasses to someone else and ask them for their opinion.

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