Imagine #307

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Ross Imagine

"This is so hard!" you exclaim and wave your arms everywhere, whacking Ross in the face in the process. "Ouch! Really?!" Ross moans and rubs his cheek. "Sorry!" you tell him. You have a drivers Ed test tomorrow on fines and laws on driving and you're so stressed out. "I'm so screwed, Ross," you say and put your head in your hands. "Relax, I'm sure everything's going to be FINE!" Ross says, putting emphasis on "Fine." You glare at him as he nudges you in the arm with his elbow multiple times with a huge smile on his face. "I crack myself up!" he says, giggling. "That wasn't even funny!" you say and continue to study. Ross has been helping you for the past hour or so. He sits beside you and watches you study. "I love you," he blurts moments later. "I love you too?" you say, looking over at him. "No not like that. I mean I'm in love with you. I want to be more than best friends," Ross confesses and immediately turns dark red. You stare at him, shocked. "I-I love you too," you tell him. Ross's eyes widen. "What?" he asks. "You heard me!" you say and playfully shove him. "I know, I just want to hear you say that again," he admits. You press your lips against his. "I love you, I love you, I love you!" you say as you pull away slightly. "I love you more," he grins.

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