Imagine #118

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Rocky Imagine

"I didn't think 6 word memoirs would be so hard!" you exclaim, throwing your hands into the air. For your English homework you had to think of 6 word memoirs on a topic. Your topic was love and happiness. Rocky is helping you think of some. "How about 'Love is sweet and love is kind'?" he suggests. "There's 7 words! There's supposed to be 6!" you tell him. He scratches the back of his head. "Oo! 'Happiness is birds chirping a melody!' I like that!" you say writing it down quickly. "I like that!" Rocky comments, making you blush. You both sit in silence thinking of other possible ideas. "How about... Dang it! I forgot!" Rocky says. You laugh slightly, forming an idea. "I remember it! What do you think of, 'I love you, you love me'?" Rocky grins at you sheepishly and you write it down. That sentence was really cheesy but it still was 6 words. "I love it," you say. You kiss him softly, knowing that he said that more because he loves you with all his heart.

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