Imagine #50

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Ross Imagine

You're sitting on the floor in Ross's room. You're both working on an English project and you're about halfway done. Ross continues to stare at you and you're wondering why. "Why're you staring at me?" you ask him and his face turns red. "Psh, I wasn't staring at you!" You raise your eyebrows at him and he avoids eye contact. "Glue stick," you hold out your hand and Ross hands the glue stick to you. Attched to the glue stick is a sticky note. You take the sticky note off and pop the cap off the glue stick. Ross reaches for the sticky note quickly. "Why did you take the sticky note off the glue stick?" he asks shakily. "Because the sticky note's there for no reason. Ross hands the sticky note to you and you actually examine it. "Cuz everything's a little bit better! When you and I STICK (like glue) together. Stuck on you, me and you," it reads. Ross twiddles his thumbs. "What does this mean?" you ask. "I like you," Ross blurts and you freeze. "Wait, what?" you ask shocked. "I like you and I want you to know if you like me back," Ross says more slowly. You're speechless. "Well?" Ross asks impatiently. "Um yes! I mean, I like you back!" you stutter and Ross grins. "We should get back to the project," Ross says changing the subject and you gladly agree.

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