Imagine #138

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Rocky Imagine

You walk on stage in your school's auditorium and take a seat on a stool. A guitar is strapped around your back which you bring in front of you, onto your lap. You tune it quickly and then play your song. You're music school is having their end of the year concert and you were the second name in the program to play. Everything was going smoothly, you played the correct notes and the audience seems to enjoy it. "OH MY GOSH! IT'S ROCKY LYNCH!" You guitar squeaks as you jump. You look up from the neck of the guitar and see your boyfriend, Rocky, being swarmed by fans.
"I'm so sorry!" Rocky says for the millionth time. The car ride home was silent. Your face is tear streaked as you walk into your house. "Rocky, I didn't even get to finish my song," you say, your voice cracking. "I'm sorry!" was all he could and kept saying. "Sorry doesn't mean anything to me right now!" you cry. "But I didn't think I would get so much attention! I didn't mean to take it all from you!" he says, throwing his hands in the air. "Rocky, don't you get it? You're famous. You're in a popular band and you have thousands of fans!" you tell him quietly. Rocky stays silent and stares at the ground. A few heartbeats later, he breaks the silence. "But-" he begins and you cut him off. "No butts." You walk up to your room and Rocky chases you. You reach it and slam the door in his face.

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