Imagine #241

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Ross Imagine

Ross took the wrong flight by mistake so he ended up in Ohio, which is on the other side of US from LA. You sit in a chair at the airport with your head in your hands. You were scheduled to pick him up. He's trying to get a flight to LAX right now and you're worried sick about him. Somehow while you were waiting for him you fell asleep...

You woke up hours later to someone humming softly and finger combing your hair gently. You flutter your eyes open and smile when you see Ross's face smiling down at you. Your head was in his lap and you were on the same chair you were in before. "You were asleep when my flight arrived here. You were too cute and peaceful and I could tell you lacked sleep so I didn't wake you up," he explains. "So hi!" he laughs. "Hi! I missed you so much words can't describe!" you giggle. "I missed you too," Ross says bending over, his face getting closer to yours. He pecks you quickly, teasing you. He smirks when you frown at him. You kiss him this time but you make it slow and passionate. "I've missed this," Ross mutters against your lips before kissing you once more.

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