Beauty and the Beast 2

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A horse neighed and rushed over to the brunette while he gasped.

"Philippe! What are you doing here?" Tony got up instantly as he tried to calm him down when the horse kicked up and neighed. "Where's... where's father?" He grabbed the reins just and started to pet him to soothe and calm him down. "Where is he, Philippe? What happened?" He urged on then got to the side to unhook the carriage from the horse. "We have to find him. You have to take me to him." He placed the carriage down then got on the horse immediately.
They made it to the castle the brunette's father was at.

"What is this place?" Tony whispered as he looked at the castle in confusion because he's never seen it before in his life. "Philippe, please, steady." He whined as the horse started to stammer around. "Steady." He brushed over his nose to calm him as he got off the animal to soothe him.

Tony turned around just to gasp and open the gates instantly when he saw his father's hat. "Father!" He breathed as he looked up at the building in curiosity because his father might be inside.
"Couldn't keep quiet, could we?" Sam walked around the candelabra as he spoke. "Just had to invite him to stay, didn't we?" He carried on. "Serve him teas," he mocked as he did a gesture of pouring tea for someone for emphasis, "sit in the master's chair." He mocked someone sitting down too then scoffed at him. "Pet the pooch." He teased as he started to talk like pretentious person in mockery.

"I was trying to be hospitable." Steve defended himself instantly.
"Hello?" Tony called out. "Is anyone here?" He looked around. "Hello?" He sang somewhat. "Father? Father?" Tony called out for his father instantly but didn't want to disturb anyone incase there were people in this place. "Are you here?" He looked around as he walked up the stairs and started to roam the halls of the place too.
"Nat, there's a man in the castle." Wanda sang as she hopped over to her friend who was pouring hot water for the plates to get clean.

"Now, Wanda, quit making up such wild stories." Nat scolded her lightly as she hopped down from the edge of the bucket.

"Really, though. I saw him." Wanda urged on.

This has happened before, Wanda always thought she saw someone in their castle which had made everyone get their hopes up but it was just her imagination - they haven't seen a human in so long so it really got to her head - and by this time, the whole castle stopped believing her because of how many times she 'cried wolf' which made them all lose hope much faster than they originally thought.

"Nope." Nat shook her head then nudged her up to the bucket. "You need to get clean, to probably clean that head of yours from this absurd nonsense." She scoffed then pushed her in the bucket.

"A man. I saw a man in the castle." Peggy smiled at them.

"See, I told you." Wanda smirked at her friend as she got out from the water in the bucket to prove her point.
"Irresponsible, devil-may-care, waxy-eared, slack-jawed..." Sam listed off as he scolded his friend just to stop when they heard a voice that they had never heard before.

Steve huffed then started to mock him but stopped short when he heard a man's voice that definitely wasn't their master's so he needed to see who it was.

"Father!" Tony called out as he looked through the hall's of the castle to find him.

They both turned to see who it was just to gape.

"Did you see that?" Steve whispered to his friend.

They both hopped down the table they were on just to peek their heads to see who was in the castle with them just to gape again.

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