the alluring affect you have on me

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Bucky Barnes has always been used to picking up a girl easily - it always came naturally to him. He was always used to the guys backing off when he fold them to, he was just used to basically always getting his way. After HYDRA, Steve seemed to make sure that everybody else always gave him what he wanted so he was still getting his way. The only person that refused to let him get away with anything just so happened to be the infamous billionaire himself, Tony Stark. It annoyed him to no end with the fact that the genius wouldn't let him get away with anything because he was so used to it but at the same time, it's what always lured him in about the engineer. The man didn't succumb to him like everybody else did and it was beyond frustrating but also incredibly alluring.

Tony Stark has heard stories of the Almighty and Righteous Captain America and with those stories always came the stories of his trusted best friend Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes. Tony has heard about them basically his whole life and when he was younger, he looked up to them, but as he got older, the more he couldn't stand the two. When he first met Captain America, he treated him exactly how he claimed he would always treat him if he ever got the chance to meet him but then he actually met the man and he actually did like him. That doesn't mean that Tony let's the blonde get away with things just because he's Captain America - if anything, that's exactly why the brunette doesn't let the blonde get his way with a lot of things. Tony also never let's another super soldier get his way, Bucky Barnes. Just like he was with Steve, Tony was snarky and snippy and rude to the former ex-assassin but again, like Cap, once he met him, he liked the soldier. But again, that didn't stop him from treating him any differently. He won't let those two get their way with anything and when it comes down to it, Tony will always most likely win because while he may not have the same strength or speed or super soldier aspect the other two have, he has something they don't. He has the company and with that, he always loves to rub it in their face that they use their Captain voice or Sergeant voice on him, he can easily always kick them out of the compound or facility. He can also lock them out of places and make sure that they have to get the okay from someone to be allowed into certain places again. Tony really is a stubborn prick when it comes down it and that's exactly why he will stand against the two - because they always get what they want and he won't stand for it.
Bucky walked into the kitchen one morning and he was very cranky because he barely got any sleep from the night. He trudged in and plopped himself down on one of the chairs at the island and groaned, "nobody... nobody talk to me... I'm too tired for this day already." He grumbled.

The others nodded their heads when Tony suddenly walked in and the rest instantly tried to get him out of the room where the sleep-deprived soldier was.

"What's up with you Robocop?" Tony pranced over to the older brunette.

Bucky groaned and flopped his head on the table, instantly recognizing the voice. "Not today Tony. I'm too tired. Just... please... not now."

Tony scoffed, "who do you think I am? The others?" He planted his hands on his hips and gave the soldier a look. "No, now quit being a diva and get up. I believe some of us has a mission today and it ain't gonna do us any good if you're too tired." Tony mocked then walked over to the sink. He washed his hands then grabbed a cup from the cabinet and filled it up halfway with cold water. He brought it over to the Veteran and made the man look at him. "Well then. You're not going to wake up then this outta help." He shrugged then splashed the cold water at the soldiers face then bounced back to the kitchen like nothing happened.

Bucky gasped then made a noise. He wiped his face of the water and growled at the billionaire, "what the hell Stark!?"

Tony chuckled and turned around to face him, leaning back against the sink, "oh come on now Robocop. You're awake now aren't you? I'd say a job well done indeed." He gave him a firm head nod then took out a coffee mug and started to move around the room to make his coffee.

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