the man with the wicked metal arm!

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Even from a young age, Tony has always shown interest in tools and mechanics and anything related to the field. He would be the kid to fidget around with a common house-hold item to figure out how it works then put it back together again but he always took it one step too further. He would take walkie-talkies but he would somehow put it back together to make it channel to the radio. He would find a car radio and fix it up just to put it back together to have it make different noises as the engine - sound like a race car, a motor to a tractor, the sound of a car that seems like it's broken, and any other sound he could somehow get the car to make. Tony was always fiddling around with technology and figuring out the mechanics behind the tool then would put it back together again, and fix it if he broke it. This didn't stop, even as he got older. If anything, it not only made him a better thinker, a faster learner, and him to think on his feet quicker - the billionaire could quite literally fix anything technologically based that was broken, it was his new gift that he taught himself to have.

Bucky Barnes also showed great interest in mechanics, he loves to learn about cars and technology and anything related to that in any aspect. He too loved to pick things apart to find out how they worked and would put them back together, just for kicks. Of course, as he got older, HYDRA barely let him eat on a daily basis much less fiddle around with a car radio or a car for that matter so that little habit stopped.
When the super soldier walked inside the compound, he felt safe and secure and welcomed but then he saw the man whom lived here and that all changed. He felt like he wasn't wanted, like he wasn't even allowed to breathe near him which was what made him motionless and clam up the closer the man got to him.

Tony saw the Veteran and furrowed his brows at him when he saw how soldier-like he started to act, making him nervous that the man didn't like him all because they fought on opposite sides in Civil War. He was about to ask him as he got somewhat closer to him, what was wrong when the soldier held out his hand and Tony's eyes widened as he saw what it was. Tony made a noise that a giddy child would make and raced over to the soldier then lifted his arm up, examining it carefully as he held it so carefully and with extra care.

Bucky didn't mean to bring his metal arm out, it was like a reflex every time he met someone because he learned from HYDRA that that was the only way people knew what you could do to them if the person tried to attack or harm you. He jumped when the man rushed over to him, making him nervous that the billionaire was going to throw him out or punch him or something but he was beyond confused when the man took his arm and started to look at it.

The others also jumped slightly because they too thought Tony was going to tackle the older brunette to the ground for previous reasons but then they scoffed when they saw the reasoning behind Tony rushing over to the soldier in the first place.

Tony didn't stop lifting it up to examine it and he whined when he saw the man was wearing a jacket. He tugged on the sleeve harshly as he didn't let go of the metal fingers with his other hand, "take it off! Take it off!" He whined, still trying to get the jacket off the man.

Bucky was so confused, not understanding what the billionaire was talking about while the others laughed.

"Uh, Buck... he wants ya to take off your jacket." Steve chuckled as he gestured to his own jacket and tugged on the sleeve for emphasis, to help his best friend better understand.

Bucky made a face of understanding then started to take off his jacket slowly, taking his hand away from the billionaire so he could actually get the sleeve off because the man wouldn't let go of his arm. "Uh... why am I-"

Tony lifted his arm up and looked up at the man with a child-like gaze, "can I look at your arm!?" He continued to tug on it as he bounced up and down slightly, still keeping direct eye contact with the soldier as he pleaded with him, "please! please! please! please! please! please!!" He begged.

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