40s Slang

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It's Brooklyn. The accent, the voice, the slang, everything about it is so Brooklyn that it's just too hard not to like.

Bucky Barnes, he's always gotten the attention of girls. Steve knows that, the soldier was good looking so the Veteran never had to worry about getting a date or learning how to pick up woman because his looks said it all. Guys wished they were him with how woman would gravitate towards him once he walked through the doors while girls wanted to be with him because of how handsome and rugged he was. Everyone knows, Bucky Barnes is a terrible flirt but also a 40s dream.

Tony Stark is also a very good looking guy. Steve may not have known Tony the same amount of time he's known his best friend but he knows for certain that if the man looks like that when he was in his 50's, the genius was also definitely a dream when he was younger. Sure, his looks differed from the Sergeants. He had that cocky, arrogant, yet alluring attitude towards people that, no matter how much of an asshole he was to you or how rude or how snarky he was, you just can't help but find yourself running back to him just to talk or get a witty comment from him because he's just so captivating.

Both of these men are used to having girls fawn over them, the whole room to instantly stop for a second once they walk through the doors as all heads turn towards them and then the crowd rushes over for the girls to flirt and degrade themselves in sinful ways that it would even make Lucifer himself gape at how needy they were for the two brunette's, and another thing was certain. Even if you were a guy, you knew that they had looks which was why you were finished if the Winter Soldier or Iron-Man walked through the doors but if they both walked in, you could never recover.
"Buck... be nice." Steve gave his best friend a look because this was the first time they were meeting Iron-Man after Civil War and also just after everything else that happened.

"I should be offended but honestly, I couldn't give a damn." Bucky shrugged then got out of the car as all of the Avengers were meeting up in a bar together, one that they all used to go to because alcohol is what made them more loose and carefree so they could handle each other.

Steve walked in and sure eyes turned to him but he knew why everyone was looking his way. He always knew why people would look his way, sure, before it was because he was a scrawny little kid with numerous health problems but also because his best friend was devilishly handsome, and yes, he has admitted more times than he cared to admit but yeah, he knew it too so he's just gonna stop arguing against it.

They walked over to the table that was normally, always reserved for them but now it was just catching up on dust, not on the team because they weren't a team anymore. Barely even acquaintances nowadays either.

"Where is he?" Bucky muttered to the blonde as they had been waiting for a couple minutes now and all of them were at the bar by now.

"You clearly never met him before." Clint chuckled.

"Tony Stark doesn't make time for anything. He comes when he wants to which is why he's probably going to be 2 hours late." Nat hummed.

"You think he'll try to kill me?" Wanda spoke up timidly to the others.

The door opened and some people looked but most of them didn't care unless you were the Avengers. If you were them, then who just walked in the doors gave you goosebumps and chills, shivers going up your spine actually.

"I just got news." The man sighed heavily at them as he looked beyond upset and worryful. "Tony... he died." He informed the team.

"What?" They all gaped.

"Nah, I'm kidding." The man laughed as he waved it off.

"Rhodey!" They scolded him for making them worried.

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