time traveling

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***Little side-note***

In this oneshot, I based Bucky off of comic book Bucky which means, he's cannonically 16 years old in this one as Steve is already Cap because that's how they met in the comic books while the MCU changed it.

Just a little heads-up in case anyone else is confused about that, Bucky is 16 years old and Steve is already Captain America with the serum and everything.

We good?


Now let's read!!

Bucky rushed over when he heard he was being called just to face his commander instantly.

"Yes sir?"

"You are needed in the back today. We're doing drills and some of the new recruits needs help staying on their feet."

"Yes sir." Bucky nodded his head then headed down to the back but took the short cut through the back alley to get there.

"Here, it's useless, the button doesn't even work and it doesn't even have directions so what's the use?"

"Scrap 'em here."

Bucky was heading down the alley like he normally does when he goes to help the new trainee's.

He was humming a nice 40s song, as one does when they walk in a back alley in Brooklyn, when he saw something that captured his focus.

"What the hell?"


"Oh! Uh, here, Cap!" Bucky shouted then picked it up and started to tweak some of the parts, not all of them were in the right order, when it sent a blinding light around him and sent him somewhere.

"Hey! Ahh!" He screamed.

"Uh, James?" The Captain, yes, Captain America, looked around curiously as he had no idea where his 16 year-old side-kick went to help him with the new recruits.

Bucky gasped as he fell somewhere random then groaned as he was laying face-first on the floor.

"Hey, you okay there kid?"

Bucky looked up just for his mouth to fall open when he saw a beautiful man standing above him and looking down on him rather worriedly.


"What?" The man made a face as he chuckled softly from the reaction he got from the smaller and much younger brunette.

"Oh, shit, I said that out loud." Bucky cursed as he got up quickly then brushed himself off and looked up at the man sheepishly.

The man chuckled then walked away just to hum and lay down on his creeper seat and go underneath a car to fix it.

Bucky looked around and gaped as he saw everything and was in awe of it.

"What is this stuff?"

The man laughed lightly as he got out from underneath his car and faced him with a chuckle.

"My cars and suits and tech."

"This is... wicked." Bucky breathed as he looked around and couldn't help but touch some of the buttons, it was just so tempting.

"You're making it seem like you've never seen a computer before." The man chuckled at him.

"I haven't." Bucky hummed as he was pressing random buttons on it.

"How? They're everywhere kid."

"Not where I'm from."

"Where are you from then?"

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