Letter for caring Hyung

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Dear Seokjin,

I hope when you reading this letter Namjoon already reached to you. Please, listen to him and go together to find Yoongi. He is another you need to find. He will have leads for the fourth member.

Oh, Seokjin. The kind person you are. I always knew and saw how caring you are. As oldest, you loved and took care of your younger family members. You were their top model.

I didn't like how people didn't say how talented you were. You great Jin. Yes, you are handsome, but you not only your looks. You kind soul. Your voice is lovely and I would love to listen to it for my lifetime.

I know how hard you are working and trying to improve. And you did it. And I know you will do it in this universe. You will help them to grow. You will put your family together Jin. I believe in you. Don't forget how important you are for members, for me.

Your biggest fan,

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