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The bus drive was not so pleasing and Bangtan kept whined on my laps. It was two hours of pure torture. But I need to remember why I'm doing this.

"Finally we are here Bangtan!" I happily announced to my puppy. I got him on the leash and we both started walking to our destination, which was a strawberry farm.

Sunburned and there wasn't any wind. It was hell hot. Sweat dripped from my forehead, my breathing was slow. "We better soon reach that farm. I can't it's so hot?" I whined. Bangtan looked at me.

"I know I know. I need to stop talking with my dog" I mumbled under my breath. Soon on my eyesight appeared simple looking house. "I think we are here!" I happily said.

Together with my dog, I went to the house. Looking around it was silent, I think I saw a cat walking around. Shrugging I knocked on the door, waiting for someone to open them.

Maybe no one is the because I keep knocking and waiting under the sun for about half of the hour. "Life hates me" I whispered defeated. I heard some rustling and looked up.

The tall figure was standing in front of me. He was holding a casket of strawberries. "Hello! Can I know why are you here?" He asked. His voice was deep as it can be. I gulped.

"Oh hi! I was waiting for you" o said with a friendly smile. He furrowed his brows. "Me? Do I know you?" He asked. O saw how he looked up and down on me. still with a smile, I answered.

"You don't know me, but I know you. I know it sounds creepy, but I have something to give to you" I said in one breath. "You look tired and thirty. Wait I get you water and then you can give me whatever you need" I quickly nodded my head.

He left his house and I looked around. I saw Bangtan playing with a cat from before. I smiled. "Here" I heard a voice from behind. I spun around and took the glass of water from him.

"So, what you need to give me? I have a lot of work to do" he said. His deep voice was one I was never tired of listening to. It sends shivers every time I heard his voice.

I pulled a letter from my backpack and looked at it. "This one thing is very important and I hope you will listen to it," I said and my voice trembled a little. I shake my head keeping my tears in.

"You know, how people say that you need to value things you have before you lose them? They are right. It's hard to lose people who give you the inspiration to keep going on your life" I looked at his eyes. His deep dark eyes.

"Some people are fragile and you need to keep them safe. One time there were seven amazing souls, who helped me a lot. So now I'm doing my best to keep them happy and safe in another life"

I placed the letter in his hand. He was speechless and maybe thinking that I'm crazy. I think from now they all think I'm a crazy lady talking some nonsense.

"You weird. Kinda cute weird, but I guess thank you for your words" he said taking his letter and then looking at my face. I finished my water and give him the glass back. I pulled my dog with me and looked last time at him before going.

"Sometimes being weird makes you unique, Taehyung. I hope you realize how precious your weirdness is. You special in your own way. You are you Taehyung".

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