Letter for unique soul

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Dear Taehyung,

I can't believe it's almost the end of my journey. But things straight, the others may be reached you already. I hope they did. Now, you need to find your maknae Jungkook. Your last piece of the family.

Tae, you showed me how being different from others isn't a wrong thing. You showed me how being weird is a good thing. You are my biggest inspiration for me being myself.

Your precious boxy smile is healing. Your deep voice is like a lullaby and your unique soul melting the coldest hearts. You are so handsome, but your soul and personality are more beautiful than looks.

You aren't only your looks. Your weirdness is adorable and attractive as much as your face. I will always appreciate your talent, because of you. I believe in you so much Tae.

Your friend,

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