Chapter 5

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we slept our first night in pure bliss, though i really wish we could get a bed in here or something, the floor is uncomfortable as hell.

y/n pov

i woke up to the feeling of soft lips on my forehead. as my eyes fluttered open i heard, "sorry, i didn't mean to wake you"

i looked up to see an angel staring down at me, her blonde locks all messed up from spending a night on the floor.

 "you're cute" i chuckled as i sat up from the hard ground.

billie blushed a little and said "junie just came in to let us know that they forgot a bed and we will have one by the end of the day"

"oh good, i don't think my back could handle another night like that" i said with a small laugh.

"your back? you slept practically on top of me all night" billie pushed my arm playfully. did i really? damn, i wish i was awake for that. i blushed at the thought of this happening and billie chuckled a bit when she noticed.

we sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes as i fully woke up and then billie got up and went over to the piano that we hadn't played yet.

she sat herself on the bench and began to play. she made sure to play a calm song as i woke up and i just listened to the beautiful instrument as her fingers flew across the keys. then she began to sing. it was a song i had never heard before and it was absolutely beautiful. i was crying as i watched the girl i fell for over the internet create such beautiful music. 

billie stopped playing and turned to me. she noticed that i was crying and said, "awww, y/nnn what's wrong?"

"oh nothing. that was just beautiful is all."

billie looked away from me and then turned back after a few seconds, "you like to sing?"

oh no. "yeah.." i hesitantly said.

"come and sing with me" billie sent me a soft, hopeful smile and i looked down at my shoes.

"i don't know, billie. i am insecure enough about my voice as it is." i kept staring down at my shoes until i heard the beginning of 'i love you' on the piano.

"too bad, you're gonna have to sing with me or else it won't sound good" she continued to play and it came to the part where you sing. nothing. billie stopped playing and looked at me with a 'come on just do it' look.

"lets sing together"she said. "please don't worry, y/n, i won't judge you and i am sure your voice is beautiful. i just wanna sing with you"

i know that billie is not one to judge and many people have told me that i have a nice voice but i don't think she grasps the concept that i am actually a fan. like a buy all her merch, have a fan account with thousands of followers fan. 

"okay, billie." she just smiled her signature adorable smile and began to play i love you again.

"do you know the words?" she asked.

"yes, billie, i know the words to all of your songs" i said in a 'duh' tone.

"do you now?" she said with a chuckle and continued to play the intro until it was time to sing. i mustered up all of my courage and pushed the words out of my mouth. it was so horribly shaky and soft, but it was there and we were singing, together

soon i adjusted my voice and stopped overthinking as we kept singing the beautiful melody. her voice was like an angel, and after a little while mine warmed up too and i felt like we sounded so pretty together. i don't know how people sing when they are feeling either really happy or really sad because when i get a flood of emotions my vocal chords close up and i physically can't sing.

'i love yooouuu, oooooooh-' and i cut off. billie stopped and looked over at me, beaming. 

"hey why did you stop?"

"sorry, i just got so happy" and with that, happy tears streamed down my face and i blushed.

"awww baby, you're so cute" she said, bringing herself from the piano back over to me.

the use of baby made me blush even more and when she came over i hid my face in her hair. she just held me and it was pure bliss. she drew circles in my back with her finger and hummed quietly to me. i just sat there in her arms, the most happy and carefree i have been in a while.

this intimate position and my inability to see her debilitatingly beautiful face gave me the rush of courage i needed to share some things with her. i spoke into her hair, "billie, i know you said you liked me back, but would you ever actually be with a fan?" 

"where is this coming from y/n" she asked and tried to pull me off of her to look at me.

i just hung on tight, knowing i would only be able to say this if i couldn't see her face, "i have been hurt pretty badly, billie, and for me it was very recent. i want to do anything i can to make sure i don't get hurt again. i don't know if my heart can take it. i really like you, billie and i won't treat you differently just because you're famous but you have to understand that before we met i did. i was, and still am, a fan. if junie would give us our darned phones back, you'd see." i continued babbling because she kept caressing my back and seemed to want to listen,

"i am not trying to say this to scare you away, but if it does i would want to know now. i hate lying. like with a passion. okay? can you please be honest with me right now?"

"you want me to be honest with you, y/n?" she successfully peels me off of her to meet my eyes.

"yes please" i say.

she looked dead in my eyes with her own, "honestly y/n, i like you. i am attracted to you. that is it. that is all i know right now. i am okay with everything you've told me and i just know that i really wanna kiss you." and with that she smirked and looked at my lips.

i turned bright red. i really wanted to kiss her too, but i never had. i had never kissed anyone before. the only kind of love i had ever felt had been unreciprocated and now this? "i really wanna kiss you too, billie, but i'm gonna be honest again."

"alright, hit me." she said with her focus still on my lips, flickering up to my eyes for a small moment and returning to my lips.

i bit my lip and said, "i have never kissed anyone before. it might seem silly to be so scared about just a kiss, bu-" my rambling is interrupted by billie grasping my face in her hands and bringing her own so close to me that i can feel her hot breath on my lips.

"i'll take care of you" 

and with that, she gently places her lips onto mine until i kiss back, my whole body on fire.

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