Chapter 12

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"yes, go to sleep. dream of the nightmare that is billie eilish"

billie pov

"i'll miss you, kitten. see you on the other side," i smile, hoping to reassure her as i bring myself away from y/n to look into her eyes.

corelda comes in and makes meaningful eye contact with junie, "okay, y/n, come with me."

she smiles back at me, "see you on the other side." she leaves a soft kiss on my cheek, and i can feel her supple lips on my skin.

she leaves with corelda and i am left alone with junie.

"what are you guys gonna do?" i ask junie wearily.

"you and i are going to wait in here for ms. morrulia and then get started," they said.

i roll my eyes and sit back against the headboard of the bed. i hope she's okay.

a few minutes later, ms. morrulia slithers in and informs us about the procedure that is to be followed and leaves us to begin. junie gestures to the table and chairs in the middle of the room, asking me to get off of the bed and i oblige.

we are sat across from each other when junie begins to speak, "i am going to start now, are you ready, billie?"

i take a deep breath, "i am ready." i just want to go home... with y/n.

"you, billie eilish pirate baird o'connell, are attached to y/n"

i guess you could say that.

"she is like a magnet"

umm, okay?

"you, billie, cannot keep yourself away from her"

what are the trying to do?

"you will always need to be touching her,"

what are they telling her?

"she is like an addiction"

what the hell is this?

junie continues to tell me how addicted i am to y/n and i am not feeling any weird affects. like aren't you supposed to feel different after you've been brainwashed? i don't know, but hopefully they are just telling her the same thing, because i am totally okay with that. imagine her being all over me 'n shit. i'd love that.

i zone out imagining different scenarios with y/n and i am not pulled out of my thoughts until i wake up... in the bed? yo, i just fell the fuck asleep. okay i guess. i turn over and see y/n peacefully sleeping on the bed as well and before i can even think, my hand moves to touch hers. 

i sit like that for a while, staring at the ceiling, until she rolls over under the covers and takes her hand with her, leaving my touch again. and i feel my whole body move to touch her again. my arm wraps around her waist and pulls her back into my front. i swear to god this ain't me. then i remember what junie said.

"you will always need to be touching her. she is like a magnet"

that's sure as hell what this feels like. she moves, then i move to follow her. but not me. my body.  i am not doing anything.

y/n  stirs a little bit and my eyes search her as her eyelids slowly open, blinking quickly to adjust to the light. she looks to the ceiling and sighs audibly, still getting her bearings. i assume they knocked her out too.

i tighten my arms around her waist to let her know i am here and she whips her head around to look at me. terrified. she squirms around in my grip and i don't let her go because i assume she'll realize it's me. she screams and i let go.

y/n jumps out of bed and runs across the room to the door and starts banging on it and looking back at me like i am some kind of monster

as my body involuntarily glides over to her i try to calm her, "hey, hey, y/n. it's just me. it's billie" i touch her shoulder.

she screams even louder at the mention of my name and i cover my ears. what the hell did they tell her?

y/n makes her way across the room to the back corner, and i follow, of course. she balls up and cries into her knees. every time i move she just screams louder so i stay as still as possible, my hand on her knee, our shoulders touching. i hope she will realize i am no threat. 

"y/n? hey. what did they tell you?" i ask her in a very calm voice, not moving my hand from it's spot on her knee. when she only responds with more ear-piercing cries i speak up again, "y/n, hey i know you're scared, but i am not going to hurt you, i promise"

her crying slowly quiets down, with tears still falling out of her eyes. i am still as a statue. she looks up at me with wet cheeks and i smile. she just watches me. i feel like it is safe to move again, so i rest my arm that has been in an awkward position and she screams again.

good god.

she quiets down again but keeps silently sobbing next to me, pushing her back further and further into the corner, trying to get away. junie comes in and she doesn't even notice until i speak, "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU TELL HER" i yell. and with that, my poor kitten is screaming again.

y/n really needs to shut up with those sobs because i can barely hear junie's calm response, "i should not tell you. it would ruin the experiment."

i know this child could snap me in half, but i yell again, "LOOK. i know we are just HuMaNs to you, but we have real lives and feelings and GIRLFRIENDS- " i stop for a moment realizing what i've just said, y/n's cries never ceasing.

"yeah, we have girlfriends, and families and friends." a tear drips down my cheek, "please, junie. tell me how to help her." i plead.

"what did you tell her?" i ask again, my quieter words being drowned out by the loud sobs coming from the poor girl shaking under my touch.

junie looks between me and y/n, their eyes moving from one of us to the other until they decide to speak, "all i can tell you is what we told her"

"tell me," i say sternly, looking deep into junie's guilt-filled eyes.

"we told her that you are a monster, that you will hurt her and to fear you"

i fill with rage, "get. out." i tell junie with an angry glare. i almost whisper, my voice just loud enough to hear over y/n, "get the fuck out."


ooohh dramaaa 

lmao sorry.

Aliens!?//BILLIE EILISHDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora