Chapter 10

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we reluctantly part and i can't help but jump into her arms, cuddling into her neck.

billie eilish makes me feel so many things.

billie pov

she falls asleep like that, her face nuzzled into my neck and my arms wrapped around her waist. of course, y/n is comfortable as ever lying on top of me but the floor gets quite uncomfortable so i pick up the body that is tightly wrapped around me and bring her to the bed, placing her under the covers and tucking her in a little before joining her and gently pulling her into my side. i leave a small kiss on her forehead and shut my eyes.

slowly the blue light of the room seeps through my eyelids as i open them and i am met with the gaze of y/n. she smiles warmly and leans down to leave a soft kiss on my lips, giggling with happiness as she pulls away. i fully open my eyes and smile back at her.

"morning, boo bear"

"good morning, kitten"

she sits up on the bed, leaning back against the headboard, and lovingly looks down at me, my head still rested on the pillow. i pull myself up to meet her lips then rest my head again, but this time i place it in her lap. she plays with my hair, running her fingers through the layers and fluffing up my bangs like a little mohawk. she giggles at my appearance and i shake my head, resting the hairs back in their places. 

"hey! that was hard to do!" she protested.

"sorry, baby, i can't have you laughing at me like that, i get insecure" i say honestly. being vulnerable like that with people, even small things like hair, is scary for me. i think it is for anyone really.

"boo bear, don't worry about that. i could never think of you as anything but beautiful."

that makes me blush a little.

"thanks, y/n" i look at her with a blissful smile until she speaks.

"junie came in a couple of minutes ago. they are gonna do their cognitive test soon" she says, still playing with my hair, allowing a calming sensation to take over me.

i respond, still recovering from my intense sleep, "okay"

i sit up next to y/n against the headboard right as corelda comes in, "hello! junie is putting together your tests as i speak and when they are done they will come join us in here!"

"sounds good." y/n says from next to me. "hey can we ask you about tomorrow?" she asks.

"what about tomorrow?" corelda responds.

"junie was saying that you were going to tell us lies about each other to test our emotional maturity."

corelda smiles, "yes, we will"

i butt in, not being able to wait for y/n to be subtle about it, "are you gonna make us hate each other or something? please don't do that"

y/n nods in agreement and i reach for her hand, entwining our fingers in anticipation.

corelda begins to speak when junie bursts into the room, "CORELDA"

"what, junie?" she asks.

junie whispers something to corelda out of ear shot and corelda whispers back. they both smile and turn towards us, "well we were going to do that, but junie here got an idea. why don't you tell them?" says corelda.

"should we really?" asks junie, "what if it ruins it for them to know?"

corelda nods in agreement and speaks, "so anyway, looks like junie has the tests in their hands so we will just have you take those now"

i roll my eyes at the comment, frustrated with their secrecy. junie drags in a table and chair for each of us, likely stolen from earth, and places them on opposite sides of the room. i sit in my chair with little y/n in the other and begin work on this test.

shit. what the fuck is this stuff? okay, don't get ahead of yourself billie, just start with the easy ones.

the problems appear to get more difficult as the test continues and i knock the first few addition and subtraction problems out of the way in a couple minutes. then i come across 46+79. my mouth hangs open and my eyebrows furrow as i think:

okay well 40+70 is 110 and 6+9 is 16 NO 14 no omg, its 15 right? okay, 15 plus what? plus 110. oh so 115! No!plus another 10 is 125. okay i'm pretty sure it's 125.

i stick my finger in my mouth as i complete a couple of similar problems, the subtraction ones getting the best of me. as i come across problems i don't know how to solve, i skip them for later. 

while i am completing these problems i look up at y/n who is eyeing me with dark eyes. what am i doing to turn her on so much? then i realize i have been sucking my fingers, opening my mouth and furrowing my eyebrows for the last half-hour. i look back and her and grin, placing my hand on my boob and squeezing it. she quickly looks back down at her paper with a flushed face and squeezes her legs together. i return to my work with an untamable grin and finally get to the bottom, having skipped an embarrassing number of problems and guessed on the rest. lets see what junie thinks is a hard question for humans.

holy shit.

i don't even know what that is let alone how to solve it. lemme just write no answer.

there. there is no way i am tryna solve that so that's what junie is gonna get.

"okay, time's up!" junie cheerfully cries.

i grumble and hand them my paper before they go to y/n and take hers. once junie leaves, y/n comes over to me with a smirk.

"so how do you think you did?"

she had better wipe that smirk off of her face right now.

"fine." i said and crossed my arms and tilting up my chin. i can let her win at making fun of my homeschooled ass. i have different strengths. 

"OoOoOokaaayy" she says and turns around to walk away. before she can get to far i grab her arm and spin her around, backing her up towards the wall. she trips on her feet on the way but i catch her and push her against the wall, her legs wrapped around my waist.

"don't make fun of daddy, that's how you get punished." i said, smirking. i have no idea if she has a daddy kink but i am beginning to think she does because she turns a crimson red every time i say it.

"s-sorry" she responds.

"getting a little nervous are we? fan behavior," i tease and she gives me the middle finger once she knows i'm joking.

i set her down, her face still red. she shoves herself into my boobs to cover up the redness and i latch my hand on the back collar of her shirt pulling her away to look at her. how red can she get?

wait. is that mean? i just think it's cute. shit whatever i'm gonna do it.

"kitten," i start, "you look so cute when you blush, i don't want you to hide your face"

she nods, blushing harder, trying to keep eye contact with me but looking anywhere else.

"look at me" i say, and i run my fingers along her chin so gently that it tickles her a little and she squirms. 

her big eyes meet mine and i giggle a little at her reaction, reddening her a little more.

god this is fun.

i run my eyes all over her face, taking in her features. then my eyes slowly make their way downwards, scanning her body. by the time my gaze lifts back up to her eyes, her face looks like a baboon's butt. i lift my hand to caress her cheek and it is hot to the touch. i giggle once more and finally relent.

she forcefully pulls herself into my body and hides her face in my neck. i can feel her warm cheeks on my shoulder and it gives me goosebumps.

i could get used to this.

a/n: so i just published 8 chapters of a book called Study Buddies//BILLIE EILISH that i have been working on for a while. i'm gonna alternate the books i update but yeah go check it out bc i'm really proud of it. 

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