Mission (5)

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Thank you to everyone who leaves a comment!! It really makes my day <3

Thank you for reading!

And for those of you who skipped the diary entries... I will tell you that there are important tidbits of information in there! Lots of foreshadowing, too. It's okay if you don't/didn't read them, but if you did and took notice of certain details that I'm very badly implying, then you won't be as surprised in the upcoming slew of chapters.

But then again, this story is a very badly done slow-burn, so there will be red flags here and there to warn you.

Happy reading!

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Third Pov

"Well, that's that. I'd love to stay longer, but I have lots of things to do." Lexi stated, getting up from her spot with her empty plates in hand.

"But- it's late!! And you need rest!!" Furlan protested.

"I want to talk to you more!!" Isabel whined.

"I have paperwork to finish, reports to get, squad members to test, medicine to make, catch up on experiment details that Hange continued while I was gone, read up on how the SCC (Survey Corps Company) has been doing and come up with corresponding plans, check up on patients in the Medical Ward, and finally, get some training done. I'm a busy woman!!"

"Hange, could you get Isabel settled in the female's barracks? I have to go before I end up staying up late." Lexi finished, hurrying away.

"Yeah!! I'll bring the experiment documents over to you tomorrow morning!!" Hange replied, calling after the female that hurried away.

"Lexi~! Wait up!!" Ron exclaimed, following the female.

Catching up to Lexi, Ron quickly took her plates away from her hands and stacked them up on his own. With a bright smile, he put the plates into the dirty plates bin before joining back up with her.

"Did you get shorter, Lexi? I don't think you were this small before..." Ron commented, frowning.

"You gained muscle, Ron. You got bigger." Lexi replied, heading up to her office.

"How are the patients doing? Did anyone get worse while I was away?" She continued, writing down a mental list of things that needed to be done and could be done by tonight.

"Nope!! We did exactly as you were told! Most are broken bone injuries, so they've been told to get lots of rest. We still have medicine since no one's allowed to go near the medicine cabinet." Ron answered cheerfully, practically radiating sunshine.

"Mm. How about the others?"

"We did a lot of studying since you said that you'd be giving us a test that covered everything that we've learned so far. Matthew's been taking good care of the gardens with help from Dana and Mike. Um... am I missing anything?"

"Did anyone have access to my office while I was away?"

"Um... Squad Leader Erwin and Hange, but no one else. Maybe Moblit."

"I see."

Lexi used her key to unlock her office door and was met with the sight of mountains of paperwork and a less-than-pristine cleaning job. She let out a sigh.

"Who cleaned my room?" She asked, almost afraid of the answer.

"We weren't allowed in during your absence, and Hange isn't so big on cleaning... Squad leader Erwin was too busy with management stuff, so..." Ron answered, laughing awkwardly.

".....I'll just wipe my desk down for now. Can you help me get all the paperwork off the floor?"


Lexi opened her bottom drawer of her desk and pulled out her cleaning supplies, using a rag and some water to wipe down her desk and chair. Ron placed all the paperwork onto the clean desk, before dividing the tall pile in half. He drew up a chair on the opposite side of Lexi and gave her a cheeky smile.

"Can I stay and help you with paperwork~?"

"I'm not going to go any easier on you on the test just because you've helped me with the paperwork."

"Che'," Ron pouted.

Snickering at his childish response, Lexi pulled out her room key and placed it in her top drawer, and grabbed two ink bottles and two pens. And without another word, the two got to work.

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A bit of a shorter chap!


2.1 pages, 715 words

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