...Isabel? (1)

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Lexi Pov

I furiously punched the air, scattering my dirty thoughts away from my mind. You're over-thinking things!! ...But what if he does like me? I mean, I've always loved him as a character, but that's different than loving a real, live person-

My Satan.

For the umpteenth time in the last three months, reality hit me in the face like a sledgehammer.

Anime or not, this was my life now. Going back to the modern world aside (if it was even possible), I was stuck here. This is different than watching everything happen behind the safety of a monitor, Lexi. I told myself.

This is as real as it can get.

Don't judge others with what you know of them from all those late nights searching for information on their characters. Given facts or not, they're real people now. Not just characters. They have feelings and dreams, family and friends, and wants and needs like any other live person.

Who am I to-



I shot my head up at the sound of the front door crashing open. And in front of me, was a red-headed young woman that I knew so well. Isabel Magnolia...?! But that means...!

I hurriedly pulled her inside, closed the door, locked it, and did the same for the windows. There was a chance that Levi and Furlan would make it back in time, but the possibilities were low. I would have to do this on my own.

"Uh, miss?" Isabel muttered, her bright green eyes staring at me in wonder as I ran around the house getting my male disguise on.

"Damn it, where's that little bitch?! Thinking that she can get away with punching me... I'll make her pay!!" A loud, gruff voice shouted.

"She can't have gone far! I'll start with this house here-" A slightly higher-pitched voice spoke, the sound of footsteps getting louder as the male approached the door.

"Be quiet, idiot!! She'll run if she thinks that we're getting close- I want to have some fun with that lil' kid!"

"Hah? But she's nothin' but bones!! Don't you want someone meatier?"

"Nah. Making prideful bitches like her kneel at my feet begging for their lives is the best feeling in the world. If you don't want her, stay out of it."

"Peh. Whatever you say. Anyone in there?"


Unfortunately for me, I lacked severely in strength. Just another creation of modern society's standards for women. My objectives were to be slim and skinny, not lean with muscles. So while I had stamina when it came to running and such, my physical power was pathetic.

And to think about how much I improved during my stay in the Underground... Levi did a number on me ever since he learned of my physical weakness, but it's still far from what I need in order to survive. Sure, I could do away with one even though Judo is meant to incapacitate, but there are two of them.

But that's nothing that a nice ol' trusty knife can't fix.

I pulled out the pocketknife that I'd swiped from Levi on day one of pickpocket training and hid beside the door.

"Hey!! Open up!! We just want the redheaded girl in there!!"



"I said-!"

"What the hell are you doing in front of someone else's house?"

An all-too-familiar voice, one that I'd come to love hearing, registered into my mind. With a couple of shuffling steps, the door opened, and Furlan walked inside with a worried look on his face. The moment he took notice of Isabel sitting beside me, his eyes widened. I placed my index finger on my lips, indicating him to be quiet.

Placing the bag full of chemicals gently on the floor, Furlan then moved to casually lean against the doorframe with an amused look on his face.

"H-huh? Oh, uh, the girl that we've been chasing went in your house! We just want that bitch back-" The gruff voice began, and my inner fangirl fell to the brink of tears at my sad situation of not being able to see Levi's cool moment.



With the sound of flesh being cut, a shrill scream that sounded quite similar to a pig being butchered reached my eardrums. Go Levi go!! I cheered internally, taking deep breaths to calm my madly fangirling self inside.

"Don't touch me with your filthy hands, you pig."

KYAAAAAAA!!! I have so many mixed feelings towards you right now, Levi!! I thought, smacking a hand over my mouth to stop myself from cackling out loud. It went without saying how Furlan and Isabel both began to give me weird looks.

"T-this isn't the end of us!! You better sleep with one eye open, you asshole!!"


~~~ /// ~~~ \\\ ~~~

0 being a twig and 10 being a Levi- (current levels)

Physical Strength: 3/10Stamina: 7/10Emotional/Mental Strength: 9/10ODM Skills: 8/10Intellect: 10/10Combat skills: 7/10Crafting/Arts: 10/10Speech: 7/10Listening: 8/10Reading: 6/10Writing: 5/10

2.5 pages, 855 words

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