Party (2)

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Funny Happy Birthday Song - Arrogant Worms

Song of the chap!! Song doesn't belong to me; just borrowing it for the sake of a note of funniness in this story... I did edit the lyrics though!! Please don't copy!!

Pic is Lexi smiling!! She's so pretty I'm jelly-

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Levi Pov

"Guys, we're ready!!" Furlan said, knocking gently on my room door.

"Ooh!!" Lexi shot up like a spring, nearly headbutting me in the process.

She jumped eagerly off of my bed, fixed her messy clothes, and turned to face me with the most brilliant smile that I'd ever seen on her.

"Today, we'll forget about all of our worries. Just a nice day filled with sunshine, good food, and everyone that matters to us." Lexi said, holding her small, slim hand out towards for me to take.

"That sounds good," I replied, taking her hand.

Lexi's hands were always so... small. Despite the small size, I could feel the strength behind her slim fingers, surrounded by smooth callouses and tiny scars that were proof and traces of her hard work. 

But unlike me and Furlan who had hardened callouses on our palms from repeated weapon use, Lexi had callouses at the tips of her fingers. She also had callouses on the right side of her left hand fourth finger's smallest joint and on the joints of her left thumb.

To me, the location of the callouses didn't make sense. Or why she even had callouses in the first place.

.....Why do I care where her callouses are?

Forget it, Levi. She's not like you.

I pulled my hand back from her grasp- well, attempted to, anyway. Lexi held fast to my hand, practically dragging me to the basement. She handed me a long strip of black cloth.

"Blindfold!" She exclaimed like a child, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Boo-rind-pol? What is that?" I questioned.

She took the long piece of thick black fabric from my hand and put it around her eyes as a demonstration. Oh, she meant a blindfold, I realized. After putting the cloth on, I let her steer me into the tunnel leading to the herb garden.




"Why don't you lead the way in front of me, and I'll follow you," I suggested, stationing the girl in front of me and making her shuffle forward.

--- Third Pov ---

Lexi shuffled towards the large blanket/picnic table that had been set up on the ground, stationing Levi at the spot that was marked on the ground before taking her place with Furlan and Isabel.

"Okay, ready?" She whispered, glancing over to the two who nodded confidently.

"One, two..."

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LEVI!!" The three screeched, making the stoic male let out the smallest of sighs and take his blindfold off.

Lexi was holding a banjo in her arms (she'd borrowed it from Benjamin, another member of Levi's thug group), an evil smile on her lips. A snazzy tune echoed out from the instrument as her fingers flew across the strings, even stranger lyrics making themselves known.

"Once a year we celebrate with stupid hats and plates of food; the fact that you were able to make another trip around the sun-"

Isabel and Furlan let out a well-timed gasp.

"And the whole plan gathers round gifts and laughter and food around, so we let out a joyful sound and sing this stupid song!!"

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" The trio exclaimed.

"Now you're one year olderrrr~!"


"Your life still isn't overrrrr~!!"


"You did not accomplish much~! But you didn't die this year, I guess that's good enough~"

As Lexi's banjo solo continued, Levi's scowl seemed to deepen. But there were still two verses left- and Lexi had no intention of stopping.

"So let's drink to your fading health and hope you don't remind yourself; your chance of finding fame and wealth decrease with every year-"

Isabel and Furlan chimed in with another well-timed gasp.

"Does it feel like you're doing laps, and eating food, and taking naps? And hoping that someday perhaps your life will hold some cheer,"


"What have you done that matters?"


"You're starting to get fatter..."

Levi raised an eyebrow, questioning the statement. The trio knew better than anyone that Levi was the last person to get fat.


"It's downhill from now on~! Try not to remind yourself that your best years are all gone!"

Lexi's second banjo solo continued, and the trio had to admit that Levi was trying his best to not let out a snort of laughter at her mildly dark but funny lyrics.

"If interdimensional portals were free, I'd kidnap you and take you home with me, then you could live a happy life in the modern world with me-"

"Wait, what?" Furlan and Isabel muttered, confused.

"But instead your time is set, this is the only life you get, and though it hasn't ended yet, sometimes you wish it might!!"

Pushing the moment of confusion behind them, Isabel and Furlan chimed in with the chant appropriately. Levi seemed to have mixed feelings about that second last line, but Lexi pretended as though she hadn't said something extremely surprising.


"You wish you had more money~!!"


"Our life's so sad it's funny~!!"


"How much more can you take~? But your friends are hungry so just cut the goddamn cake!!"




"Dearrrrrrrr Leviiiii~~~~!!!"

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Lexi (and I) love dark humour. We'll be having quite a few in this fanfic.

2.8 pages, 926 words

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