Truth or Truth Part 2

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EveIce: Truth or Truth Marshall?

Marshall: Dare.

EveIce: I dare you to not pick dare.

Marshall: Truth then.

EveIce: Tell me how much you love me.

Marshall: Well, you're beautiful, cute, nice and kind. I wanted to say that you're also active but I won't.

EveIce: 😢😢 Why?...

Marshall: Because Skye is more active than you. You sleep the whole time. Skye is a sporty girl.

EveIce: I-I'm just....gonna go...

Marshall: Sure. Go take a nap. You sleep 5 hours everyday. And at night, you don't let me sleep.

EveIce: Enough of phone today for me....

Marshall: Good Night! Well, for you. Because you are going to sleep. And it's only 2 PM.

EveIce is offline

Chase: Marshall, do you even know how to take care of your girlfriend?

Skye: I know right! I feel so sad for Eve! Chase was doing way better with me than you with Eve. Ohh...I just miss these lovely days.

Chase: Um...Sorry?

Skye: Let's move on! Zuma! Truth or Truth?

Zuma: Your a**

Chase: ZUMA!!!

Zuma: Oki calm down boi.

Skye: Why do you always want me to do backflips? I mean, I love to do backflips, but sometimes, you're asking me to do more in front of you.

Zuma: Oh...It's because you're beautiful. I love how you jump and you dance at pup pup boogie.

Chase: Dirty Pup!!

Zuma: I don't see myself as a dirty pup. What I see is just a male pup who is looking at a female pup. It's called love.

Chase: So, you ship yourself with Skye?

Zuma: It's called "Love"! And yeah, Skuma is on the air!

Chase: Skase is on the air!

Zuma: Skuma!

Chase: Skase!!

Zuma: SKUMA!!

Chase: SKASE!!!!


Rocky: Can I come to say that Socky may have a chance? No?

Marshall: AnYway! Chase, truth or truth?

Chase: Truth.

Marshall: Why did you and Skye broke up?

Chase: Because before, we were young and now, we grow up.

Skye: Yes.

Marshall: Hm...

Skye: Chase! Truth or Truth?

Chase: Truth.

Skye: Why did we broke up?

Chase: Actually...we NEVER broke up. It was a Prank!! 🤣🤣🤣

Skye: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Zuma: Damn!

Rocky: It's not funny...

Chase: Happy April Fool's Day!

Marshall: It was 3 days ago.

Skye: Yeah but we still pranked you! And not only you, but also all the people who read the previous chapters and felt bad for Skase dying! 🤣🤣
Great job Amazing_Chase !

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