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Bad's pov

"Alright it's been a few days Ant and I think we should go and see if Y/n is on our side now."
Ant nodded and stared walked towards Bad. They duo walked to a hole in the ground and jumped down landing on water. They walked down some steps into the red room. "Bad look the vines are growing!"
Said ant reaching down and picking up a vine. "Yes yes they are Ant."
Said Bad continuing down that steps. They reached the bottom of the steps and started walking towards the obsidian box. "Y/n are you ready to come out yet?"
Said Bad making his way to the front of the box. "ANT COME HERE Y/N IS GONE!"
Ant ran over and to his surprise Y/n was gone. They looked around and saw some limp vines that looked as if they where cut. Bad got up and saw more limp vines. "Looks like the egg put up a fight for Y/n but the person getting her won."
Bad patted the egg and said, "Don't worry egg we will get her back for you"
"Ant come on we need to get back Y/n any ideas where she might be?"
Ant came close to the limp vines away from the box, he observed the carefully and said, " Bad I think I might just know who took her."
Bad was curious on how Ant knew when there was a pice of green cloth sticking on one of the thorns of the vines. Bad smiled, "Ant you genius!"
Ant simply smiled and got up, " Ok to the prison we go."
Bad got up and followed Ant outside. Once they neared the prison Bad told Ant to put his contacts in. As Ant did that Bad put on his old red cloak and stuffed his white one in a bag and left it by a tree nearby. They walked towards the prison hopping that Y/n would be there. They arrived at the prison that was still a work in progress. Sam saw them and instantly knew that they figure out Y/n was gone. Bad walked up to Sam and said, Hello there same it's a fine day isn't it?"
Sam looked up from his work and wiped the sweat from his forehead. "Um yeah it's nice."
"Hmmmmmm ok ok. Well Sam I wanted to ask you something."
Said Bad walking closer to Sam.
"What is it?"
Bad bent down to look him directly in the face and whispered , "I'm going to make this easy ok. I want you to tell me where Y/n is or you will regret everything."
Said Sam getting up to his feet. "CAUSE IF YOU ARE I WONT HAVE IT!!!"
"Ok well what if I am threatening you? I won't do anything bad ok just tell me where Y/n is."
Said Bad backing up to stand next to Ant. "I have no idea who you are talking about."
That was a lie and Bad knew it. "Oh so you say? Ant show Sam the little thing we found next to the vines."
Ant ran to the bag by the tree and grabbed the small ripped cloth. Ant ran back and walked up to Sam waving the cloth is his face. "You have no prof that's mine."
Said Sam backing up a little. Ant looked at Sam's cloak and spotted and little spot where his cloak was missing a bit of fabric. Ant smiled and walked up to Sam and said, "I think this is all the proof we need."
Ant put the missing pice next to the green cloak and sure enough it matched up perfectly. Sam swore under his breath. "Now Sam this is your last chance tell me where Y/n is and I will make sure you are safe when the time comes but fail to tell me where she is and regret it for the rest of your life."
Sam didn't have to think twice about this he knew his answer. "Well Bad that's a really reeeeeeeealllly good deal buttttttttttttt I would never tell you where Y/n is because the egg has already caused her terrible pain and I would never betray a friend."
Sam let that sink in before he continued. "Now with that being said I would like you to leave this land and let me work in peace."
Bad and Ant left the prison as they pondered on what to do. Then Ant thought of something. "Bad why didn't we think of this? Y/n is probably at Phil and Techno's place.
And with that the pair rushed off to go to Phil and Techno's place.

Alright the next one is going to be long so I wrote this one real quick (791 words) the next one will take a while but is probably gonna be the longest so far so just stick around. (Also I'm trying to fix my sleep schedule so I will be able to work on it during the day)
And I didn't check this one so sorry if there is any mistakes.

The new girl and the egg Where stories live. Discover now