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It had been about a month sense you started spending more time with Tokoyami. You were even on a first name basis with each other. He had invited you to watch a movie in his room today. Not much had happened during school, other than Ochako and Izuku's copious amounts of teasing. You had gotten home, you changed into a dark purple long sleeve shirt and black sweat pants. You made your way to his room. Your heart fluttered as you reached his door. You were confused by this. You knew you liked him, as a friend, but this feeling... you had never felt like this before about anything. Every time he spoke to you, or look at you, you got this feeling. It had been like this for weeks. You wondered if he felt the same.

You reached out to knock on his door. He came and opened the door. You smiled at him.

"Hello, Fumikage." You said cheerfully. 

"Hello, Y/n." He responded. He held his hand out as if to say, 'shall we?' You took his hand and walked in. The feeling in your chest intensified. You sat on his bed and he set up the movie. He came and sat next to you.

"Thank you fir having me." You said. You were trying to act normal.

"No, thank YOU for coming." He responded. You were sitting incredibly close to him. You felt safe around Fumikage.

You had been talking and laughing throughout the movie. Towards the end, you felt Fumikage's hand on yours. You looked over at him.

"Y/n, I need to tell you something." He said in a timid voice. He was blushing.

"Ye-yeah? Go ahead." You responded.

"You-you make me feel... whole. I-I've never felt this was before, actually. When I'm with you, I feel like I could fly." He said. You could see a smile in his eyes.

"I-I feel the same about you." You said, blushing. Fumikage's eyes lit up.

"Re-really?" He said. You nodded and smiled. "May I..." He said and wrapped his arm around you. You leaned into him. You felt his other arm wrap around as well. You held him back. You were smiling and blushing like crazy. You were comforted in knowing that he felt the same way you did. You felt his head resting against yours. His hand was rubbing your side. You didn't want the moment to end.

"Y/n, I do not have lips, as you know." He said quietly.

"Yes." You said. "Why do you bring it up?"

"Well, I want- I want to show you how strongly I feel for you." He said. You looked into his eyes. He pulled you close. He gently nuzzled his beak against the side of your face. You blushed.


"Forgive me. I should have asked." He said and looked away. You assumed that that was his way of kissing. You gently turned his face to look at you. You kissed his forehead.

"There's no reason for you to be sorry." You said softly. He looked into your eyes.

"Does this mean... are we-" He started. You smiled.

"If you want it to be." You said.

"I-you would have me as your-your boyfriend?" He stammered. You nodded and hugged him. His sweet smell flooded your nose. He hugged you back. You felt his beak nuzzle against your head. Your hand rubbed his back. He ran his hand through your hair. You closed your eyes. You took in the moment. You were sitting in a quiet room in the arms of your now boyfriend. Nothing could have been better.

(Authors note:
So, I actually had a plan for this chapter. I hope you all liked this. Thanks for continuing reading this. I'm not going to put these at the end of every part, seeing as they annoy me when I'm reading.)

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