A Proposal

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You woke up on Saturday morning with a smile. You recalled all of what happened the evening prior. You were excited to see Fumikage again.

You were the first person up. You picked out a dark blue sweater that went down to your knees and black leggings with alien heads scattered around. You walked out of your room with your bag full of things you would need in the shower, your toothbrush, and your clothes. Before stepping into the bathroom, you did a thorough Mineta search. Once you knew you were in the clear, you proceeded with your morning routine.

You walked into the common area after your shower. There was a slight breeze blowing through the hall. You sat on one of the couches and closed your eyes. You were alone in the quiet room. You heard the elevator open, but you did not look to see who it was. You felt someone sit beside you. You felt an arm wrap around you.

"Good morning." A familiar voice sang.

"And to you." You responded and smiled. You opened your eyes. You let yourself relax into the touch of Fumikage. He held your hand with his free hand. You looked at him. He was as close to a smile as he could be. You leaned your head into him. (He was slightly taller than you.) he rested his head on yours. You turned your head and kissed his cheek. He blushed and held you tighter.

"You always know just how to make me blush, don't you?" He said softly.

"Isn't it my job?" You joked. He nuzzled his beak against your cheek. You smile brightly.

"The beauty of your smile is unparalleled." He said.

"Thank you." You replied, still smiling.

"My pleasure." He gripped your hand in his.

"Fumi," You started.

"Hm?" He responded.

"I-I love you." You said quietly. You were surprised by yourself. Not only did you use a nickname, but you also said YOU LOVED HIM.

"I-I l-love you too, Y/n." He said, caressing your hair. You rested your head on his shoulder. You knew everyone was going to start waking up. You kissed his cheek just before the elevator opened.

"I agree. But I suppose there's no way to know." You said. You gave Fumikage a look that said, 'just go with it.'

"Yes, not until we ourselves are in fact dead." He responded.

"Whoa, didn't mean to walk in on such a dark conversation." Kaminari laughed. We looked at him blankly. "I'm-I'm just gonna..." He said and almost ran off.

"Thank you for going with that." You said.

"Of course. It was quite the intelligent plan." He responded. You smiled softly. He brushed a piece of hair behind your ear.

"Y-Y/n?" He stuttered.


"Would you like to go out and dine with me tonight?" He offered. His face was bright pink. His hands were shaking slightly as well. You held his hands and smiled.

"Of course!" You responded happily.

"R-really? Thank you." He said.

And just like that, the common area began filling rapidly.

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