Night And Morning

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You hadn't been sleeping well for about a week. You were sick of being exhausted all the time. This was your last resort. You didn't want to get him wrapped up in this, but you couldn't think of what else to do.

'Fumi are you awake?'

'Yes. What seems to be the matter?'

'I still can't sleep'

'Is your door unlocked?'


'I will be over in no time, my love'

Your heart fluttered as you read the message. 'My love.' He made you feel so wanted and accepted. And soon enough, you heard a knock on your door.

"Come in." You said. Your boyfriend walked into the softly lit room. (You kept LED lights along the top of your room in order to keep Dark Shadow under control.)

Fumikage walked over to your bed and sat beside you. You slid over to the wall.

"You want me to-" You nodded to him and he slid under the comforter next to you. You cuddled into him. His strong arms wrapped around you and you relaxed into his embrace. Your head was close enough to hear his heartbeat.

"Thank you, for coming." You said softly.

"Of course, my love. Your comfort and happiness is of utmost importance to me." He replied. He ran his hand through your hair and gently nuzzled his beak into your hair. You lifted your head to look at him.

"I love you, Fumikage. With all I have." You said. You leaned in close to him and kissed his beak. His eyes went wide. He nuzzled into your lips as if to kiss back.

"Y/n, my heart beats for you, and you alone. I promise to you, I will give you everything I have, just to see your smile." He whispered. You smiled softly as he nuzzled your lips again. You kissed him, over and over. He let out a low grunt.

"Hm?" You questioned.

"You're-very... skilled, my love." He said. You blushed.

"Th-thank you..." you muttered to him. He lifted your chin so that your eyes met.

"I-I very much enjoyed it." He said. You buried your face in his neck. (He took his choker off to sleep.) You began kissing it lightly. He let a few grunts out. You continued leaving gentle kisses all over his neck. You stopped to look into his beautiful crimson eyes. They were glistening and staring back at you. He pulled your head onto his chest. You both fell asleep in each other's arms.

You woke up, still cuddling with Fumikage. His hand was under your shirt, on your back. His breathing was steady and so was his heartbeat. His heart was beating for you. Every breath he took was for you. You could feel the warmth radiating off your boyfriend. You kissed his cheek and settled against his body. It was earlier in the morning, so you weren't too worried about people wandering in and seeing you. You lied there in the still room with your sleeping boyfriend for what felt like hours. You slowly felt Fumikage's head, rest on yours, and his hand moved up and down your back. You smiled as you heard him let out a quiet sigh. He began running his free hand through your hair. You tilted your head up to look at him

"My apologies, I did not mean to wake you." He said. The way he spoke to you was so formal. It made you feel respected.

"I was already awake." You said, you kissed his cheek to punctuate the sentence. "And you don't have anything to apologize for." You added. He pulled you closer to his and nuzzled his beak against the top of your head.

"My love," he started, "I may not know much, but I do know that I love you." He said. You blushed and smiled at him. He laughed softly. "And your smile is damn adorable." He pushed his forehead against yours. You gently kissed his beak. You could feel your face heating up. One of his hands was running through your hair.

"You-I-I-" you stammered.

"Take your time, my love." He said softly. You collected your thoughts before taking a breath.

"You treat me so well, I don't understand why. You're-you're handsome, and kind, a-and... so many things I can't put into words." You confessed. He brushed your hair out of your face.

"What is there not to love? You are perfect in every way." He said. He nuzzled against the side of your face. You kissed his beak. His hands ran up and down your back, making you shiver. You continued kissing him. He was nuzzling his beak gently against you. You pulled away to look into his eyes. You were smiling at him. You caught a glimpse of the time.

"As much as I want to stay here with you, everyone is going to wake up soon. If we aren't already out, I guarantee rumors will be spread." You said.

"I suppose you're right." He responded. You kissed him once more before he left your room.

(Author's Note:
What are your thoughts on this? If you have any suggestions, please feel free to let me know.)

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