Author's note

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Hi, person who randomly decide to click on this book... thank you so much for that!!!

I just wanna get the hard part over with first so...

Please don't copy or reproduce this book in any way, thanks.

Don't make rude comments either; they will be ignored and deleted. You can give CONSTRUCTIVE critisism, but please don't put it in a mean way.

I can't spell to save my life, nor is my grammar fantastic.

I started writing this with no idea how this story will go; it's just a daydream that's been in my mind for years now. Apologies if it doesn't have many twists or drama or anything. (I will try my best though.)

Also, all the pictures aren't mine, just so you know.

Annnnd, yeah that's all.

Now for the fun stuff.



Vampires. Werewolves. Demons. Mermaids. Sorcerers. Witches. Ghosts.

They exist. This whole time.

Problem is, ages ago, some of them mated with humans and now there are halflings. Aka part human and part whatever their non-human ancestor was.

And no one knew.

Until now.

The community of supernatural creatures stepped up and revealed themselves to the whole word, claiming to only want peace.

So now, everyone is forced to take these tests to determine if you're really pure human or something... more.

Cause' there's a prophecy, a prophecy that speaks of a time when the halflings' power will be stronger, and that would be very bad indeed...

Vani is only 16 when she finds out she's actually part vampire.

Emmerane is only 15 when she finds out she's part werewolf.

Amaya is 17 when she finds out she's a mermaid.

Zurie is 14 when she gets the shock of her life; she's a demon.

Lilith is 15 when she is told she's part ghost.

Sonja is 16 when she gets the news that she's a sorcerer-witch.

These girls have vastly different lives but when they're forced to go to a boarding school for supernaturals they have to learn to live in a dangerously dark world.

Change is coming. And everyone knows humans have a tendency to resist change.

But they're not humans, are they?


Vani^ Vampire

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Vani^ Vampire

Vani^ Vampire

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