"Mum, I'm going for a jog!"

"Okay, sweetie, take care!"

I go to my ususal garden jogging path. It's dark, but I know the route well. There's usually no one there, and I hope it stays that way. I really don't want to stumble across someone who may or may not turn out to be a werewolf or a vampire or something.

The sky is bright with moonlight and I smile softly. It's nice to finally get out and get some fresh air.

While I'm looking at the moon, I don't notice the rock in my path. Me being me, I trip.


"Aah!" I throw my hands out to brace myself, but I don't reach the ground. Instead, I feel a pair of hands slip around my waist to support me.

I gasp and spin around. I turn and see a boy around my age. He had grey eyes and white-blonde hair.

"Who are you?" I scowl.

He scowls back. "Excuse me? I save you and this is how you thank me."

"Thank you. Who are you, and what are you doing here?"

"I don't see how that's any of your buisness."

"It is when I thought I was alone, but here you are, and I didn't even hear you!"

"Whatever." He rolls his eyes. "Stop being so paranoid, clumsy girl."

"Don't call me that! And I'm not paranoid. For all I know, you could be one of those Freak Vampires."

He stills. "Freak Vampires?" He says softly. "If I was a Freak Vampire, don't you think I would've killed you by now? Drank your blood? Hmm?"


"Guess I'n not your Freak Vampire," he mocks, and then turns and leaves.



What? I'm not a social person. Okay?


Three days later

The nurse calls me in and I take a deep breath. It's going to be okay, I tell myself. There's nothing wrong with you.

A year after the supernaturals, as we humans like to call the vampires, werewolves, witches, sorceres, mermaids and ghosts, revealed themselves. A year after the peace treaty was formed.

A year after the shocking truth was revealed: not all of us are human.

So scientists created this serum thats brings out our non-human genes faster. Pure humans don't get affected by this, though.

If you test are the results are positive, you're safe if you're less than 20% human. If not... well, I don't really know. It's never happened before to people I know.

But it's really rare, so I guess I'll be fine.

I close me eyes as the nurses prepare for the injection. I'm not actually scared of needles, just scared of the results.

I wish I was an adult. They're safe, cause there's no chance at all of their weirdo genes manifesting.

The needle pricks my arm. I look at the machine I'm strapped to.

But then my vision blurs. I don't know what's happening... is there... wait... wait...


I groan, opening ny eyes. Immediately I realise I'm in a hospital. Why am I in the hospital? And why is everything so bright? And loud? I close my eyes. Wait. Oh god, is that the smell of blood?


I want it.

Wait. No. Where did that come from?
I'm supposed to be in school... I took the test... and... oh god.

I'm in here. In the hospital.

When there shouldn't be anything wrong with me.

Which means...

I'm not fully human.

And... judging from my earlier thoughts... I'm probably a...


no. no, this is a mistake, it has to be, I'm not one of those Freak Vampires, that's ridiculous...

"Vani? Sweetie? Can you hear us?"

I hear my mother's voice and open my eyes. "Mom?" I rasp out.

'Oh, sweetie, I was so worried, it wasn't supposed to be this way... I didn't... now they've come to take you away... oh, sweetie," she sobs.

"Mom, mom, it's okay, it's okay. Everything will be fine, alright, just breathe." Why does she sound so far away? And why can't I see her? Sure, I can't get up, but she would hover above me like she does every morning.

... right?

"Mom? Why can't I see you?" I slowly start to get up and gasp as a splitting headache assaults me.

"Ahh..." I cry, but I sit up nevertheless.

"Vani?" mom asks.

'I'm fine." I look around and my jaw drops. The 'hospital room' is huge with metal walls bolted into place and security cameras everywhere and only a really, really thick glass wall where my mother is standing behind that's probably bulletproof.

"What... what's this?" I ask, although I already know the answer.

"Vani... there's no easy way to say this... but... I... your test... it was positive."

I knew it already but I still wasn't ready to hear it. "oh..." tears fill my eyes, and I squeeze them shut.

"Vampire?" I whisper finally.

"You can feel it already?" she whispers, sounding heartbroken.

"Yeah," I sigh.


"What's going to happen to me now?"

Mom sighs. "Well, sweetie, i've been in contact with the authorities, and there's someone who has experience with this and would like to take you to their world and their boarding school."

"Boarding school?" I ask in alarm.

"People with high percentages will have to accept it and be a part of both worlds, Vani?"

"High percentages?"

"Vani," she takes a deep breath. "You're 67 percent vampire."



Hope you liked this chapter.

Tell what you think! I'd really like to know if I'm doing right.

Or don't. And leave me wondering miserably, is my writing really that bad?


Anyway, hope you comnent anyways or else Nightmare Moon will attack you. I'm serious.


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