I don't understand her.

She has haphephobia, and yet she's so cheerful? What's wrong with her? You don't just develop a phobia like that; you go through damned hard life and get it as a bonus.

Cause life is just so good like that.

So why the hell is she so happy?

Whatever. Her stupidity has nothing to do with me. I mean, she's a witch, for God's sake.

Haphephobia. What the hell.

I walk into the dorm to see the boys at their corner while the girls were being foolish. Probably giggling about something stupid.

"Excuse me? And what have we ever done to you to recieve such generous hospitality as such an early hour?" Vani steps up, fists on her hips.

I didn't realise I had said it out loud.

"Probably your overwhelmingly amazing personality. By the way, loving the batty look. Did you purposely wear that to make yourself feel like a bat so you could turn into one? How's that going for you?" I smirk.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Axel smirk. "Not good," he calls. "She looks constipated every time she tries."

Vani rolls her eyes. "Shut up," she growls.

I glance at Sonja but she isn't looking at me. Probably embarrased by the fact she practically fainted in my arms yesterday.

Her jaw is clenched slightly. I wonder if it's hurting her, to be so close to people?

Whatever. Why do I care so much, anyway?

Maybe it's because I suffered from trauma too. Maybe it's cause I know how f*cked up life can be.

Now that I think of it, it's kinda a strange coincidence. But nah, the Sonja I knew in the past is long dead.


"Lilith!" Ash calls. "Lilith, I saw you! No use fading now." He adds.

I sigh and turn visible. "What, Ash?"

"I was just wondering when you're going to come to class. You haven't been coming at all; people is starting to wonder."

I am so surprised I laugh. That is an outright lie. No one even knows I exist.

"Not true." I scoff. "No one even knows I exist."

A slow smile spreads across his face. "I knew it!" He grins triumphantly. "You must be able to fade really well if nobody has caught you yet."

"You have," I point out.

He shrugs. "Yeah, but I'm special. I'm used to your presence, what with us being dorm mates and all."

"Yeah... I guess." I say. "Um. Ash. How..."

"How did I know?"

I nod.

"Easy. I smelled you." Then, seeing my expression, he quickly adds, "not that I'm saying you smell. It's just that... you have this scent. Like citrus and jasmine."


"Also cause I kept hearing pencil scratching sounds from an empty space and the only ghost missing is you."

"... ah."

Awkward silence.

"Well... better get going," Ash says cheerfully.

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