News and a New Ally

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Your POV

As I flew back down to the Slender Mansion, a feeling of uneasiness washed over me. I quickened my pace until I was running through the woods to the house. When I arrived inside, I saw everybody was just sitting there dumbstruck. "What's going on?" I asked, afraid of the reply.

"Y/n, LJ told us what happened five months ago. Then we have recieved a letter from Zalgo telling us he was bringing war unless..." Slender began.

"Unless what, Slender?"

He sighed, a fear could be heard in his tone of voice as he said, "Unless we bring you to him."

My eyes looked to the ground. My hands clenched into fists as my breathing became hitched in my throat. "What are the requirements?"

"We must bring you up to his lair and he'll take care of the rest of it." Slender replied.

"I'm not going. I'll never go! He knows I'll refuse and so he brings war so he can kill you all and take me away!"

"Y/n, I know your upset but you need to calm down." LJ said. 

He stood up and came over to me but I denied his touch. "How can I calm down when my life is risk! Either way I'm in danger! I CAN'T CALM DOWN!" I screamed at Jack.

 Jack stepped back a little, aware of my anger. My breathing became faster and faster as I became more enraged at the notion of being with Zalgo once more. Finally I let it all out by screaming. The scream echoed throughout the house as silence overtook everybody. I realized what I had done and started making my eyes scan each person, who studied me. I trembled and ran upstairs to my room and slammed the door. I ran to the windowseat and began choking on sobs as tears rushed down my face. I lied my head down in my arms, so I couldn't stare at anything but the cushion. I heard the door open and then a familiar voice call out, "Are you alright, sweetheart?"

I let my head go up but my eyes didn't look to my husband, instead they looked to the reflection of him in the window. He held a worried expression on his face as he came closer. "Today's just a bad day that's all, Jack."

He sat next to me and began stroking my hair. "Would you mind telling me what happened?"

My gaze fell onto my husband as he patted the seat next to him. I obeyed and told him what had happened so far that day. He only nodded while I told my tale and then replied, "I'm sorry, y/n. If I'd only have known I wouldn't have had Slender tell you the news."

"It's okay. But promise me you'll love me no matter what happens."

"Y/n, I love you now and I'll never not love you. Your the black to my white, the sweetness of candy, and of course my wife."

He hugged me and I returned the favor. The door creaked open to reveal Slenderman. "Is this a bad time?"

"No it's fine. Come on in, Slender." I replied.

Slender shut the door behind him and said "I have contacted a powerful person to come help us. He has a major bond with us Creepypastas and he's glad to help us in our time of need."

"Who is this person?" I asked, curious to know.

"His name is Mr. Creepypasta. He's just as powerful as you Y/n and has agreed to help us."

"Mr. Creepasta is coming? Here?"

"Yes, Jack. Y/n, this is your first time meeting our master. Come down to my office for I have something's to tell you."

"When should I come?"


I followed Slender to his office and sat down. He followed suite and bean fixing his tie. "Y/n, Mr. Creepypasta is a friend of ours who is going to help us get through this fight with Zalgo. Since this is your first time meeting him I need to tell you something's about him."

"Like what?"

"Mr. Creepypasta is as powerful as you but doesn't have as many powers. Second, if they family seems off, they are very nervous around the boss man. They may not act normal so just to let you know. Third, MCP is my boss. He gives me orders and I carry them out for him. Finally, MCP will help you, y/n. Please don't be afraid to talk to him. He's very knowledgeable on many things and could possible help you enhance and adapt to your powers! But please, don't be afraid to ask him anything."

"Alright, Slender."

"You are dismissed."

I left the office, to find a starnge sight. Everybody was cleaning the house! I could see sweat dribble down everybody as they began cleaning faster and faster. So this is what Slender meant by not acting like themselves.

I was in a mood and felt like reading Jack's thoughts. I looked at Jack, who was currently cleaning up all they candy wrappers on the floor. Oh God! The boss man is coming! The boss man is coming! THE BOSS MAN IS COMING!

Jack never seemed that worried about anything. The carefree, loveable clown was replaced with a terror striken clown. I continued to read his mind.

Gotta keep cleaning as fast as I can! He could be here at any minute, any second! Gah, this is horrible!

Slender came out and said "Everybody calm down! The Boss Man won't be here until tomorrow! You can stop freaking out because the place is already nice and tidy!"

Slender headed back into his office but everybody went back to cleaning faster and faster. I rolled my eyes as a playful smirk rose to my lips. That's when I noticed Sally tugging on my dress. "Oh! Hey, Sally!"

"Hi, y/n! Want to play with me?"

"Sure. Why don't we play with LJ Jr. and Laughing Kyle too?"


We headed upstairs and played with my children. That night after saying our goodnights, Jack and I climbed into bed. "Jack?"

"Yes, y/n?"

"Is Mr. Creepypasta a nice guy?"

"It all depends. Most of the times he is but sometimes he gets angry. It's a rare occasion when he comes to the mansion."


"He's so busy with his work that he directs his orders to Slenderman, who then tells us. He's a busy man, y/n, and a very powerful one."

"How many powerful beings are there?"

"There's four. Mr. Creepypasta, Zalgo, Slenderman, and you, the only female."

"Thanks for putting stress on my shoulders!"

"Hehehe, it's true though!"

I rolled my eyes. "It's time to get some sleep, you crazy clown."

"Crazy AND loveable."

I smiled causing Jack to grin. "Goodnight, my sweet. I love you."

"I love you too, my Jack-in-a-box."

He kissed my cheek and then lay a protective, yet loving, arm around me so we were snuggiling close to each other.

If I Fall, Would You Catch Me? {Sequel to Candy Coated Love} ~Laughing Jack X Reader~Where stories live. Discover now