A Talk with Mr. Creepypasta

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Your POV

I told Jack that I'd be out with Mr. Creepypasta. Of course he had to freak out but I explained it was just for a little talk. He seemed to calm down a bit but I could still sense his anger through his aura. "It'll be fine, Jack. If anything bad happens I'll fly away. I love you."

I kissed his cheek as I walked out the door to Slender Lake. When I arrived, it was already 8:00 pm. Staring out into the black water, I watched the Moon's reflection ripple as a light breeze swam over the lake. "Beautiful isn't it?"

I turned to see Mr. Creepypasta walking towards me. "Yes it is. I always come here when I need to clear my head. The atmosphere just seems to get rid of the bad thoughts I have."

"It is always calm here. When I was a child I always came here to swim."

"You were a child?"

"I know it's hard to believe but it's true. Even ask Slendy and he'll tell you the whole story."

I looked to him and saw he only stared into the deep black waters. "How do you know the Creepypasta family?"

He sighed. "When I was a child I was born into royalty. However, Lord Zalgo conquered my parents kingdom and we were forced to flee. My parents were scared to lose me so they gave me to Slendy, who promised to take care of me. Slendy is like a father to me while everybody is practically family."

"I'm sorry what happened."

"Don't be. Soon I'll take back my throne when we get through this war with Zalgo. I'll be the new King and he'll be just plain Lord Zalgo."

"What do you plan to do with your kingdom?"

"I'll probably establish some main points such as allies, rules, etc. But my main quest is to find a Queen to rule by my side."

I froze at that word. I gulped and started to tremble. "What do you look for in your Queen?"

"I don't know really. I'm not looking yet but I will soon."

A sigh of relief seemed to pass me as he finished that sentence. "What did you want to talk about?"

"You. I want to know more about you."

"You might want to sit down because this might take a while."

Mr. Creepypasta sat on a boulder and patted it. I sat next to him and explained my story. He would only nod at what I had to say and when I finished he said "It must be pretty exhausting having your job. But if you need any assistance, I'll be happy to help."

"While we're out here would you mind helping me with a power I've been having trouble with?"

"Of course. What is it?"

"Lifting things with my mind."

"Ah, that trick. Try and move that rock over there."

I obeyed but could only lift it a few inches before it came pounding back into the Earth. "Y/n, focus on the object nothing else. Close your eyes and relax."

I closed my eyes and began to relax. I felt Mr. Creepypasta's hands on my arms. I heard his voice whisper, "Focus on the rock and nothing else. Let all else go."

I did as I was commanded. As I did this I felt a new feeling, one I never had experienced before. The air felt as if it was being lifted out of me. Mr. Creepypasta's grip tightened and he said "Remain calm, y/n. Let the feeling take over."

I did. As the feeling washed over me, a sputter of gasps came from my throat. My eyes opened and my head looked forward as I saw the rock levitate about a foot off the ground. As the feeling vanished the rock began to slowly fall back down to its original place. I gasped for air as I continued to blink. I closed my eyes and kneeled to the ground. I heard Mr. Creepypasta say "How does it feel, y/n?"

"It feels strange and yet wonderful." I said breathlessly.

"That's good, that's how your supposed to feel."

I turned to him and he grabbed my hand. "Let me take you back home, y/n. It's late and I wouldn't want you to get hurt."

We walked along back to the mansion, where Jack was waiting for me. As soon as Jack closed the door he turned to me and said, "Are you alright, y/n?"

"Yes. He didn't hurt me. How are the children?"

"They're fast asleep."

I kissed Jack's cheek and pulled him upstairs to bed. As I pulled the covers up over my body, Jack said "Y/n, do you have feelings for Mr.Creepypasta?"

"Jack, you know I only love you and the children. Why do you think I love Mr. Creepypasta?"

"He's been acting strange around you. The way he's acting out there, he's never acted like that to us."

"I know your concerned for my safety, Jack. Mr. Creepypasta would never hurt me."

"I just hope your right but I always love you no matter what."

Jack climbed under the covers with me and put his arm over me so we were snuggling. A smile appeared on my face as I drifted off into sleep's embrace.


If I Fall, Would You Catch Me? {Sequel to Candy Coated Love} ~Laughing Jack X Reader~Where stories live. Discover now