A Deal

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Your POV

After Jack and I had eaten two bowls of candy and nearly split our guts laughing, we began to play a game of tag with the whole family. It was the funnest thing our family has done since we last took a family portrait. The game finally ended when it was time to eat dinner.

As we sat around the table, Slender said, "Y/n, do you mind saying a prayer before we eat?"

All eyes turned to me as mine went wide eyed. "I never knew you were religious, Slender. But I guess I can say one prayer."

Everybody clasped their hands together and bowed their heads as I began. "Dear God, I thank you for keeping our family together. We may have had several mishaps and arguments over the days but I thank you anyways. I thank you for giving me such a wonderful, loving husband and a loving, amazing family to go along with it. However I do ask that you watch over the children. I beg and pray to you to keep them safe. Watch over Sally, Laughing Jack Jr. and Laughing Kyle for us and make sure they know we send our love. I guess that's all for now, God. Amen." 

"Amen." Everybody said.

It was quiet for the whole dinner but that's when we heard a knock on the door. Jack got up and answered it. That's when we heard him scream. We all rushed in and I gasped. On top of my husband was a gender-bent version of him. "Oh, Jackie-Wackie! I missed you so much!"

She kissed his cheek and that infuriated me. "Excuse me but who are you?"

"I'm Laughing Jill! I've just come by to collect my husband!"

My eye twitched. "Your husband? Excuse me but Laughing Jack and I are married!"

Her eyes went wide. "Jack, you're married?"

My husband nodded his head. "And I'm proud to be married to the one I love!"

Jack tried to pull the crazed clown girl off but she wouldn't budge. "Jack, you have to divorce her! You said we were going to be together forever! That we'd love each other and spend the rest of our lives together! YOU CAN'T GO BACK ON YOUR PROMISE!!!!"

"Laughing Jill, I think you should leave."

All heads turned towards me. "And get your hands off my husband."

"Why should I do both those things? Even if I do leave I'll just take my Jackie with me."

"If you lay one hand on my husband, I swear to God I will kick your butt straight up to the Heavens were you'll be brought back down to Earth because you'll be kicked out of Heaven!"

"Let's see you try."

She dipped Jack and kissed him. Inside, my rage built up and on the outside I let out a battle cry and punched her. She flew out the doors while letting out a scream. I ran out and began to fight her. She put up a good fight as we kicked and punched each other. However when she hit my back I screamed and fell to the ground. She laughed and said, "Ha! The girl can't even hold her own ground! And she's supposed to be the Protector of the Creepypastas? This is a joke!"

Her black heels clicked as she began to walk back towards my Jack. With all of my strength I lifted myself up and dug my fingers into the Earth. With a new found strength, I got into a pounce mode and ran like a cheetah and lunged onto her shoulders. Jill screamed as I back flipped her and pulled her hair. "Everybody knows it's a bad idea as a killer to have long hair that goes past your butt. And it seems you didn't get that idea into your brain."

I pulled her in front of me and whispered, "This is for trying to steal my husband!"

I began to spin and soon Jill was off the ground. When the time was right, I kicked her and then she went flying while screaming, "I'll be back, Jackie! We will be married!"

I panted for breath and soon Jack rested his hands on my shoulders. "Y/n, are you alright? Did she hurt you?"

"I'm fine. I only got a few bruises but she hit my back so it's a bit sore. But otherwise I think I'm alright."

"I have to say you were wonderful out there! You showed that little punk that I'm not interested!"

I smiled and leaned onto his shoulder. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and said, "Let's get back to dinner. I'm sure the rest of the family is wondering what happened."

Jack and I walked back to the mansion, completely oblivious to two white eyes watching us. 

Laughing Jill's POV

After I watched the two lovebirds walk off, I ran to the place I was to meet my employer. When I arrived, a voice said, "So you made it?"

"Yep. Now why'd you call me here?"

"I know that you're jealous of Y/n. She's got Laughing Jack as her husband. You want that don't you?"

"Yes. I've always dreamed of having LJ as my husband. I mean we're so alike why can't he see that? Yet he married the Protector of the Creepypastas."

"What if I told you we could make out a deal."

"Deal?" I turned my head towards the shadows.

"Yes. All you have to do is help break Y/n."

"Break her?"

"Yes. You see my master wants Y/n and he needs to break her so he can take her. Can you do that?"

I thought of the offer and nodded. "I'll do it! Now my Jackie-Wackie and I can be together forever!"

The figure chuckled and then I asked, "Can I see you so I know what you look like?"

"Why not."

Out stepped the one and only King of the Creepypastas. I gasped. "Surprised? I thought you had heard of our marriage?"

"I did but then I heard she married my LJ."

"But if you help break Y/n then LJ will all be yours."

"Oh thank you, Zalgo!"

He smirked and sent me on my way. Finally I was going to Laughing Jack as my husband and I would get to break his little wife in the process!

Zalgo's POV

As soon as Laughing Jill left I sighed. My family member was now surely going to be hurt. I rushed off to Slender Lake and stared at my reflection. Red glowing eyes stared back at me and soon I swished the image away with my clawed hand. That's when the image of my Master appeared behind me. "What do you want?"

"Good job on getting Laughing Jill on our side. Now it should be easier to break my beloved."

I growled and clenched my fists. "I wouldn't go through this but you are forcing me into this! My Y/n's life is on the line because of you and your fantasies! I should've known never to trust you!"

"Zalgo, you're going into dangerous water with no protection. Do you risk that?"

"If I have to risk my life just keep Y/n out of danger then so be it."

"Very well."

All I felt was pain. I let out a painful cry as I thought my chest was to explode. My Master simply chuckled as I saw deep gashes down my chest with blood gushing out. "See you in Hell, Zalgo."

"I think I've already been there, Master."

With that my Master vanished to leave me to wither and die in pain.

If I Fall, Would You Catch Me? {Sequel to Candy Coated Love} ~Laughing Jack X Reader~Where stories live. Discover now