Why Are They Here?!?

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Laughing Jack's POV

I ran through the woods trying to find Y/n among all the branches and roots of nature. I had been searching for hours and with no luck. As I came upon a clearing I saw two figures. I dived behind a bush and watched them. From my hiding spot I couldn't see anything so I jumped and swung up to a tree branch and then swung myself into another bush and then behind a tree. Looking behind the tree, I see the two figures. One was a woman and the other a man. That's when I recognized them as Y/n's parents. Y/n has described them to me when she saw them that fateful morning and now they were right before my very eyes. I scrunched my eyes, confusment taking control. That's when I saw Slenderman. He teleported to me and whispered "Who are these people, LJ?"

"They're Y/n's parents. I have no clue as to why they're here but I bet they're looking for Y/n."

"LJ, we have to keep them away from the Mansion. If they find out about it they'll want to destroy us and take away Y/n."

Slender looked away and focused on Y/n's parents. He stiffened causing me to look and make my eyes widen. Before us was two black demons, hunched over like hunchbacks. They had the look of Zalgo written over them and that's when I realized these demons were Y/n's parents. "Slender, are those-"

"Yes. Zalgo must have known they'd be looking for her so he possessed them. We must keep them away from the Mansion and Y/n. If they get her then who knows if we'll ever get her back."

"What do we do?"

"We need to distract them to keep them away. Come, Jack."

I followed close behind to find out that the two demons were gone. "Slender, where are they?"

Slenderman just stood there, frozen. My eyes went wide and I said, "Oh my Zalgo, please don't tell me they've already gone to Slender Mansion!"

"They're on their way. Quick Jack, we must teleport to the Mansion and evacuate before Y/n's parents get there first!"

We both teleported to the Mansion and ran inside. The family looked to us, confused and disturbed. "We have to flee the Mansion!" I yelled.

"Why?" Jeff said.

"Y/n's parents have been possessed by Zalgo and are coming for Y/n! We must hurry!"

The family all rushed out when I noticed Y/n was missing. I looked around the house when I heard her scream. I looked towards her voice when I heard her scream again. I ran upstairs and threw open our door to see Y/n in the arms of her father. "Get off me! Let me go!"

She struggled in her father's grip as he was about to go out the window. "Let her go!" I yelled.

Y/n and her father looked at me, Y/n reaching her hands out to me and her father giving me a glare. "Selena, we better return Zalgo's runaway bride!"

"I'm not his bride nor will I ever will be!" Y/n screeched as she kicked and squirmed in her father's grasp. The demon of Y/n's mother jumped over me and leaped out the window. Y/n's father followed with a screaming Y/n in his arms. I rushed to the window and yelled my wife's name. I watched as her silver eyes held fear as she free falled to the ground with her father. Now on the ground, her father and mother started off when something cut Harry's shoulder. I saw a familiar knife blade being held by Jeff. "Drop her, you monster."

Harry snarled at Jeff. I took this as my chance to hop out of the window and leap towards my Y/n. As I lept down, I was hit in the stomach with a sledgehammer. I fell to the ground crumpled over in pain. I heard Y/n yell my name and I felt Jeff touch me. "Lj, are you alright?"

"I was just hit with a flipping sledgehammer to the stomach! How would you feel?!"

"Sorry, just asking. Besides where did they get a sledgehammer from?"

Out in the distance the familiar figure of Skin Taker  came forward. "I gave them it."

He then hit Jeff the sledgehammer, causing him to double over in pain as well. We watched as he went up to Y/n and caressed her cheek. My teeth clenched together as I continued to watch him tease her. 

Skin Taker's POV

I caressed Y/n's cheek, causing a shiver to erupte down her spine. "You know Y/n, Zalgo has missed you very much. He's been so anxious to see you again. To touch and feel you, just like before."

"That's not going to happen because I'm not going anywhere with you!"

She spit in my face. I wiped away her saliva and snapped my fingers. Y/n was thrusted into a giant sack and we headed off. I heard Jack yell for Y/n as she screamed for Jack. A smile rose to my lips as I listened to the music to my ears. We continued walking when Harry threw the sack up in the air and yelped in pain. I turned only to be pinned to a tree by Slenderman. "Why are you here!?"

"Just to snatch up the little dearie and bring her to her rightful owner." A smirk rose to my lips.

"Where is she?!"

My eyes trailed up to the screaming bag. I heard Slender mumble, "No..."

Your POV

After I was thrusted into the sack, I felt like I was flying. I screamed as I plummated down, unable to use my wings in the bag. That's when I felt arms around the sack. The top was opened and I slipped out to see Mr. Creepypasta. "Y/n, are you alright?"

"Yes. Where's Jack?"

"Over here."

I turned to see Jack standing near. I ran up to him and embraced him. I felt his long arms wrap around me, holding me. "Oh Y/n, I was so afraid that I had lost you."

"Same here. But your back in safe arms."

Jack kissed the top of my head and nuzzled his nose into my hair. I smiled, the feeling of safety returning. Jack let go so we could both watch Slender walk over to us. "Well Skin taker and your demonic parents were transported back to where they belong."

"Why were they here, Slender?"

"They wanted to take you back to Zalgo, Y/n. Luckily we saved you in time and we can move back into the Mansion."

I sighed. Jack set his arm around my shoulders, which caused me to give off a small smile. The whole family walked back to the Mansion but we never kept our guard down.

If I Fall, Would You Catch Me? {Sequel to Candy Coated Love} ~Laughing Jack X Reader~Where stories live. Discover now