Meeting the Kim's

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No one's pov

In V's Mansion

After the meeting with Jungkook Taehyung can't wait to meet his babybun again.. So he arranged a little get together meeting with the jeon's in their mansion.. One reason for the meeting is to discuss about the Hae's family.. She is their biggest enemy.. And another main reason is to meet his baby again.. He can't stop thinking about his bunny who looks so innocent and also fiesty..

'Still thinking about Koo..' Taehyung snapped out from the thoughts when Taehee came to meet him.. 'Mom..'

'Today I met Jieun.. She said that Jungkook went to college.. I feel so bad for them because of us they are targeting jeon's son.. That little one didn't know any danger around him..' Taehee sighed and sit beside Taehyung..

'It's the truth mom if uncle Joon ki didn't prove Hae's crime then its really dangerous for the children who he kidnapped.. That bastard killed fourty children for their organs..' Taehyung gritted his teeth.. 'But don't worry kookie is safe.. Jimin, Lisa, Jennie, hyungs are with him.. And moreover I won't let anyone to hurt my baby..' Taehee feels his son's emotions.. She know how much he love Jungkook.. After that Taehyung explained about the incident when he met Jungkook.. Taehee bursted into laughter..

'My God.. I want to meet him soon..' Taehyung smiled a little.. 'Okay tae.. You have meeting tomorrow.. Sleep well..' She kissed her son on his head and left the room.. Taehyung laid on his bed covered him with sheets looking at the ceiling.. 'Can't wait to see you again babybun..' He smiled and closed his eyes..

In college

Next day Jungkook went with his father to his college he didn't said about the little incident that happened yesterday.. He don't know why he can't forget the handsome man.. He didn't sleep well because of that stranger.. 'Baby..' Jungkook was startled and looked at his dad..

'What happened.. You look so down today..' Jungkook shook his head.. 'I didn't get enough sleep Papa..' Joon ki caressed his son's cheeks.. When they reached the college he saw yugy and Jimin waiting for them.. 'Paa.. He is my new friend Park Jimin...' Joon ki get off from the car with Jungkook..

'Uncle..' Yugy ran towards Joon ki and hugged him.. Joon ki knows Jimin before Jungkook because he is yoongi's boyfriend who is working in Kim corporation.. 'Uncle..' Jimin smiled at hugged the elder.. Jungkook and yugy looked at them.. 'His boyfriend is working in Kim corporation.. Min Yoongi's boyfriend..' Jungkook pouted at Jimin..

'Why didn't you said that you know my father..' He asked.. 'Now you know little bro..' After a little talk Joon ki left the three.. 'Come on Lisa and Jennie are waiting for us..' yugy said..

Morning classes went well but not for Jungkook his thoughts were about the handsome man.. Now Jimin and Jungkook were in their dance practice.. Jimin can clearly knows that Jungkook is not attentive.. So he decided to ask him during lunch...

During lunch not only Jimin everyone notice the bunny.. 'Koo.. what happened..' Jungkook pouts and looked at his friends.. 'I don't know.. I can't sleep and that stupid handsome face didn't let me to think about anything.. I can't forget him..' He slammed his head slightly on the table..

'Yahh.. Did someone hurt you. That's why I didn't want to leave you alone..' Jimin said.. Jungkook shook his head and explained everything.. 'How dare he.. that pervert..' Jennie clenched her fist..

'I have seen him before.. But I don't know where.. He seems so rich and famous..' Jimin and Jenlisa looked at each other.. They thought what if it's their enemies.. 'He is so taller than me.. I don't want to say it but he is so sexy and handsome.. And he also has a damn over mouthed bodyguard name Ken..' On hearing this name Jennie is confused..

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