Why You are Single Based on Your Myers Briggs Type

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ESFJ: You're still in love with your ex

ISFJ: You're too much of a safe option

ISTJ: You're uptight

ESTJ: You give off a control freak vibe

ESTP+ESFP: It's your choice

ISFP: You're not a musician or an artist

ISTP: You're stuck in a Ti Ni loop

ENFJ: You've been playing the mentor that no one is a mystery to you

ENFP: You've too scatterbrained to be taken seriously

INFP+INFJ: You're a tailor made for the friendzone

ENTP: You consider trolling as a form of flirting

ENTJ: You're too busy building your empire

INTJ: You're socially inept and arrogant (not a good combo)

INTP: You prefer blow up dolls

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