Chapter 14: The Journal

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Zander's pov

It's been two weeks since Kelly's attack and the cops still have no leads. Alex, Alice, and I have been staying at the hospital it's been like our second home. Kelly is doing better she's been doing physical therapy. Alex on the other hand isn't doing so well, he has been blaming himself for what happen for happen to Kelly. No matter how much Alice, I and even Kelly herself told him he just wouldn't listen.

Alex moves in my arms and I look down "Hey babe did you sleep okay?" I ask he looks at me and nods "yes " he answers and cuddles up to me, "how is Kelly is she still in physical therapy?"

Just as I am about to tell him yes she is, Kelly approaches us and ruffles Alex's hair "Hey buddy how are you holding up" Alex tenses up when he sees the scare that she has above her right eye Kelly must notice how Alex tensed up " It doesn't hurt anymore, I think of it as my battle scare and I got it protecting the most important person in my life'' she looks Alex in the eyes "I got it protecting you Alex I don't know what I would do if I was to lose you I will do anything to keep you safe, its what your mother would have wanted and it's what I want. None of this is your fault I chose to stand against him; I refused to tell him where you were to keep you safe."

Alex got up and hugged Kelly while Alice pulled me aside. "Zander, can you take Alex out and get his mind off things? The Cops aren't doing shit so Damian are going to do some crime work of our own and see if we can find anything the cops may have over looked." At first I was going to tell her no because it was too dangerous, then I remembered this is Alice she can kick some ass and she will have Damien with her she would be fine. "Sure I can take Alex out if I can get him away from Kelly" I answer after processing everything. "Um Alice how do I get Alex away from Kelly, so I can take him out?" She shook her head "I got this I'll get him away from her".

"Alex, I think Kelly needs some rest she looks beat after all her physical therapy. So why don't you let Zander take you out for a little while to help get your mind off things". Alex looked like he was going to protest when Kelly placed her hand on his shoulder, "Alex honey Alice is right, I do need some rest physical therapy takes a lot out of me. Go out and enjoy yourself with Zander you have always wanted him now you have him. "She smiled and kissed Alex's head and he ran into my arms, Kissing his head "it will be okay baby the hospital has both our numbers so they can reach us if anything."

* Time Skip*

With Damien and Alice

Alice's Pov

I am actually looking forward to doing undercover work (not working for the cops) the cops are always missing something. I even get some alone time with Damien I don't know why but I really want to get to know him, it has been so long since I have had this feeling around a guy (butterflies in stomach). And it feels strange I don't even know him that well, it could be his good looks the sparkle I see in his eyes when he talks about his family and his little brother he spent the whole ride to Kelly's I learned that his dad abandon him and his mom when he was 9 and his brother was only a few months old and how his mom struggled to raise him and his brother, how grateful he is to have such a powerful woman in his life . He talks about his family and I couldn't help but want to know more about him. During the drive he told me about his little brother his name is Matt who is only 1, he didn't have a picture of his little brother at the moment so he did his best to tell me what he looks like. "Matt has sandy blond hair and eyes as blue as the ocean he is only one so he is not that tall yet he's a little chunky and for a 1 year old he has a little tan, from always being outside like the down to earth little guy that he is." His little brother sounds precious before I can stop myself I blurt out "do you think I can meet him one day?" I ask and then turn and look out the window embarrassed. Damien let out a small chuckle (god how I loved his little chuckles) "how does this weekend sound?, mom is working and I have to babysit Matt we can take him out to a movie or we could stay in and watch movies ." he ask me. By now my heart was racing taking a deep breath before I answer " sure that sounds fun I'm in"

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