Chapter 6: Everything Will be okay

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Alice’s pove

That was close I couldn’t let myself tell Alex’s secret I could never do Alex wrong not even when he’s been avoiding, and acting like I don’t exist. I hope Zander can get through to Alex and get him to talk to me so I can explain. Today is only Friday school was hell again just watching Alex walk around with that new kid but walk by me like I’m nothing hopefully that will all change tomorrow when Zander talks to him, I have hope in Zander something I thought I would never have shit the kid was never anyone to me but I have to admit that he does care about Alex, maybe even likes him as much as Alex likes him I see the stars in his eyes whenever Alex’s name is said. Maybe Zander is not such a bad guy. I was working on my project when my dad called to me “Alice can you come here for a minute?”  on my way down stairs I wonder to myself what my dad could need/want he never calls me while I’m doing homework it must be something important, when I reach the living room my dad is standing with a tall dark haired man he looked as if he was in his mid to late thirties, my dad was shaking his head yes answering what the dark haired man was saying.  “You wanted to see me Dad?” I ask waiting on him to answer me

“Alice this is my friend Kevin, I had asked him to look into your adaption to see not only if we can find your mom but also to see if we could get you some help with your project. I know you have been having trouble with it you don’t have time to watch movies with me and your mom like we do every other day so I knew that you must be having a little issue with your project. I hope this will be able to help” my dad says handing me a piece of paper I look at him the than the paper he gave me, looking down at the paper I see it has a woman’s name and address. “I-is this my birth mom’s name and address” I ask my dad Kevin Answered “yes that is your birth mothers information I have spoken to her and asked if it would be okay if you came to meet her I know she lives in LA but I have talked to you dad and he has agreed to go with you to meet her while I stay back and look after your mother.” My heart was beating fast I had butterflies in my tummy my mind was racing all these questions came to my mind questions that I wasn’t sure if I wanted the answer to, I was overjoyed that I would be able to meet my birth  mother but yet I was terrified of what would happen or what would be said. “ we leave Tuesday for LA I already talked to the school so you are covered just make sure your packed we will be there for 3 days” my dad said pulling me out of my thoughts I was so Happy I hugged my dad and thanked him and then hugged Kevin thanking him I ran up to my room and collapsed on my bed feeling amazing grabbing my phone I go to text Alex but remember that he’s not talking to me “ sigh I just wish he was here he knows how much it means to me to find my birth mother he was by my side now I feel alone”  it’s just one day assuming that Zander could get through to Alex.  Finally I drift off to sleep as I think of all the good times I could have had with my mom I wouldn’t change the family I have now but I just thought about how it would have been if my mom had kept me.

Alex’s Pove

I wonder what my mom had meant when she said don’t trust who am I not to trust? Who and what she had said was eating at me all day at school today that’s all I could think about, could she mean don’t trust Damien ? I wondered but quickly dismissed that thought Damien has done nothing to me all he has done was be nice to me and opened up to me about his family and his life he’s never hurt me he’s always listened to me without judgment. There is no way my mom was talking about Damien or even Alice I knew Alice my whole life and my mom loved her she has hurt me and I don’t fully trust her at the moment but I don’t see her as a threat. Laying in my bed reading about Riley and how she has fallen in love with a ghost but yet had to give the love that her and the ghost shared just to save him from being cursed to live the rest of his life where no one but Riley could see him and hear him. It pained Riley but she knew it was the right thing to do.

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