Chapter One: Welcome to my life

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    It was a dark and rainy day; dad had one to many again! Mom was in the kitchen cooking dinner. Dad came in and asked “Lilly what on god’s green earth are you cooking? It stinks” Mom answered coldly “meatloaf is there a problem with meatloaf Jerry?”  Before mom saw it coming dad slapped her in the face and proceeds to beat her with no mercy like she was a redheaded step child. He screams “don’t you ever get smart mouthed with me Lilly, it will be the last thing you do. Do you understand?” 

     That night mom comes in to my room and wakes me “Alex honey get up and be quite not so you don’t wake your dad, pack some of your things that you need and we will get going.”   Sleeplessly I wipe my eyes and get out of bed picking up my batman suitcase putting cloths and some toys in finally closing it walking to mom.  “Mommy I am ready” I say pulling at her jacket.  Mom looks around to make sure she didn’t forget anything; she picks me up and finally were out in the car mom buckling me in. She doesn’t say anything about where we are going for what seemed like forever. “Alex” my mom says, “we are going to stay with your grandparents until mommy gets a job and can afford to get us a nice place to live, it’s the only way mommy can keep you safe your dad is not right in the head. He chooses drinking over his family and refused to get help. The night went on quite other than the sound of the radio playing “quit playing games with my heart “by the Backstreet Boys.   I must have fallen asleep till I heard the noise of a big truck, I looked out my window and saw that the truck was swerving all over the place and was headed right towards  my mom and I.

    ‘’Mom look out!!” I yelled, my mom and I were on our way to my grandparent’s house when suddenly we were struck by an oncoming truck.  I was thrown from the car and it went up in flames. Mom I cried, when I woke up soaked with sweat tangled in my covers and tears falling from my face.  “Why do I keep re-living that nightmare?” I thought to myself.  My phone buzzed on my night stand I looked over and saw it was my best friend Alice we been best friends since grade school. Alice has long purple hair with blue highlights, pretty hazel eyes and she is only 4 feet tall. I opened her message the text read “are we still walking to school together?” I pulled on my black skinny jeans and a band t-shirt before I responded to Alice with “yes we are meet me outside my house in 5.”  Grabbing my backpack, I ran down the stairs, grabbed an apple, kissing Kelly on the cheek, then finally out the door I went.

   Kelly was my mom’s best friend since they were in middle school. Kelly took me in after my mom passed away.  She fought for me in court because she knew my mom didn’t want my dad to have me. After all, my mom and I were leaving him when we were struck by that drunk driver that rainy night.  Kelly does a good job of taking care of me. She tells me a lot about my mom some things I knew, others I didn’t. She told me how I have my mother’s ice blue eyes and slick black hair.

  The walk to school was quite. I was lost in thought, Alice spoke about her life and how she had known who her birth mother was. Alice was adopted she didn’t mind it cause she has a good life and her adopted parents loved her. They loved her enough to pack up and move when I moved in with Kelly. I am Alice’s only friend they just wanted her to be happy.  Alice never asked for much other than to know who her birth mother is. Even though it was a closed adoption, her dad asked his lawyer brother for help in finding Alice’s birth mother.

    “Alex snap out of it” Alice said “huh” I said “You were zoning out again” Alice said “Mr. Karp asked you a question about Romeo and Juliet “She exclaimed.  “Mr. Lovesea do you care to tell us what year Romeo and Juliet was written?” Mr. Karp addresses me, “uh yes Sir Romeo and Juliet was a tragic drama written in London, in the mid 1590’s by William Shakespeare.” I say answering Mr. Karp’s question. “Very good Alex pay attention” Mr. Karp said “I don’t see why we need to know about Remo and Juliet the play is years old” I thought to myself. Suddenly the bell rang marking the end of first period. The day dragged on for what seemed forever class after class, teacher after teacher talking about things we ‘’have’’ to know to make it in the real world. I didn’t have any other classes with Alice just the two, Creative writing and History. Finally lunch I wasn’t really hungry, instead of sitting in the loud lunch room full of soon to be “adults” acting like children I went to the library to read. I spent over 30 minutes looking in the fiction section before I found a book that got attention. The book told the story of ‘’16 year old Riley Williams who has been able to see ghost since the car crash that took her mother’s life and shattered her family. Guilt ridden over the belief that she is somehow responsible for her mother’s death, Riley is desperate to see her mother’s elusive sprit to gain her forgiveness. When her farther moves the family to Scotland so they can all start over, Riley believes her life couldn’t get any worse. That’s until the ghost of 19 year old Ian MacKinnon catches her cutting herself.  An uneasy truce quickly turns into friendship, and soon Riley’s falling hard for Ian. She has to try and save him from his past in order to help him cross over.’’  I know I know it doesn’t sound like a book a ‘’Goth” boy would read but in all honestly I love books like this one. Forbidden love just draws me in, which shouldn’t surprise me, because there is this guy I like but there is no way in hell he would look in my direction. He is Zander tall dark and sexy his green eyes and that black hair that falls just over his eyes, would make anyone crazy and that voice my god that voice is sexy not really so deep but soft and sweet. Zander is kind of an outcast but has a lot going for him his art is amazing he could do something with his art. I have had the biggest crush on him since 3rd grade but I have never had enough guts to approach him and talk to him, I just admired him from afar.

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