Chapter 12: Why Kelly

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Alice’s Pov

Gathering my things making sure I have everything packed I go down stairs and talk to my birth mom and thank her for everything but there was still one question I needed to know the answer to but I was too scared to ask and know the answer, but it was now or never. “Eve I was wondering why.. Um why you gave me up when I was born was I a bad reminder of something and you couldn’t bare to look at me let alone have me around?’’ I ask as my heart pounds in my chest awaiting her answer looking at the floor. When suddenly I felt her arms around me “no, Alice I gave you up so that you would have your best chance your grandfather was not a bad man but when he had one to many to drink he liked to lash out on me. I didn’t want you to live with that to have to deal with that I was only 16 when I had you my only request when I gave you up to have your best chance was that you were given to a good home one that would love you and take care of you as if you were their own. You have that and that’s all I wanted was you safe happy and healthy, I made it a closed adaption so I wouldn’t have to worry about me changing my mind to take you back and you seem to have an amazing life and people who love you as much as I do, I am proud of the young woman you are becoming and I have your mom and dad to thank for that.”

Tears flowing from my face landing on my red cheeks I hug her tightly “keep in touch with me I want you to know how I am doing and maybe even come see you sometimes” I say as she holds me and nods “I will if it’s okay with your parents I would love to be able to have you in my life now” she says I look to my dad with tears in my eyes “dad can I still have her in my life please?” I ask him with hopeful eyes “yes that is fine with me I’ll talk to my wife about it I am sure she will also be okay with it” he says I knock the wind out of my dad as I hug him holding him tight “ Thank you thank you thank you” I say hugging him. Dad smiles and kisses my head “are you packed “he asked I nodded just then my phone goes off looking at it I see that it’s zander. I pick it up “hello, hey zander what’s up?”

“it’s Kelly, she had been hurt really bad she was stabbed 10 times and badly burned the half of the house had went up in fire, they got her out but she’s in bad shape, the fire they said started in the basement.”

The blood from my face drained turning me pale my heart pounding in pain tears starting to fall from my eyes as I hear Alex cry out in the background my dad rushes to my side to catch me just as my legs gave out.

“Omg no what happen do they have any idea who did it or why? How is Alex?” I ask shaking awaiting his answer, “Alex is in pain upset and scared we don’t know who did it or why yet were sitting in the er, you can met us here when you get in if you can I will keep Alex safe and make sure he don’t break down I can’t believe someone would do this to hurt someone as sweet and loving as Kelly.”

Sorry for the late update and short chapte i will have chapter 13 up tonight and maybe even 14 but if 14 is not up tonight it will be up tomorrow  

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