Chapter 9: Early to Rise

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*Alice’s house*

Alice’s pove

I can’t believe it, I leave Zander with Alex for a day and they are already so close. I can’t help but still feeling the need to protect Alex from Zander. I don’t know why though Alex is really happy being around Zander and Zander my god his eyes light up when he is around Alex just the mention of Alex I can tell his heart races. Could Zander like Alex the same way Alex has liked him since 3rd grade? But why don’t I feel I can trust him to close to Alex maybe it’s not Zander maybe it’s me and the fear I have of the chance that Alex will be too busy with Zander if they get together that he won’t have time for me.. Maybe that’s the reason. But Alex wouldn’t forget about me

*flashback to a young Alice and Alex*

“We will be friends forever Alice right?”-Alex

“Yes we will be friends Always and Forever”-Alice

“Best friends before hoes”-Alex

Coming out of my little flashback I smile and laugh just thinking of how Alex had put it, remerging that flash back I finally pushed the thought of Alex forgetting me aside and started to pack what was left of the cloths I was taking with me, wondering what my mom was like and if I looked anything like her if so what features of hers I had I was so happy to finally be able to meet my birth mom and scared at the same time.  My dad calls up to me “Alice its 9:30 you realy should finish up and get some sleep tomorrow comes early” he says “I am dad I’m done packing im just getting into bed now” I yell to him and climb into bed I never realized how tired I was till I put my head on the pillow and passed right out.

Zanders Pove

Alex is in the shower today was a long day and we will have to rise early to meet Alice, I walk around the cabin and clean up doing the dishes and fix the couch turning the tv off. It was getting cold out so I decided to make one of Alex’s favorites hot coco it would warm him up, I had to make sure I added a little cinnamon just the way he likes it, just as the hot coco is finishing up Alex come out of the bathroom in his tight black boxers and one of my tee-shirts that I had brought along he looks so sex and yet his eyes were heavy on account of him being tired, “is that hot coco I smell?” he ask face bright as he runs over to me and hugs me. “I love hot coco I haven’t had it in so long, smiling I lean down and kiss him softly and hand him his hot coco lighting the fire place and sit on the floor by the fire waiting on Alex to join me, he runs in the room and comes back out with this little blue blanket and wraps it around himself climbing in my lap sipping his hot coco. I wondered why he went to get the blanket it was not cold by the fire, I was pulled away from this thought when Alex spoke up “this and my teddy bear I keep at Kelly’s are the only two things I have left of my mother the teddy she bought for me at the first rest stop when we were two hours out and my blanket I had since I was really young “Alex says Tears forming in his eyes, I hug him close knowing no words would make him feel better I sat there and held him rubbing his back as he started to relax he finished his hot coco and laid his head on my shoulder soon he drifted off to sleep slowly standing up I put the fire out and the cups in the sink then off to the bedroom, I laid Alex in the bed kissing his head coving him up and went out to the living room/kitchen and cleaned the cups out then back into the bedroom I went getting into my boxers and climbed in bed with Alex and set my phone alarm for 3:00 in the morning knowing how Alex is with his hair I’m the same way finally I settle into bed and Alex shifts cuddling up to me. I rub his back and kiss his head drifting off to sleep.

Alex’s Pove

I felt the bed move and knew Zander had climbed in with me, so I cuddled up to him I felt safe and was warm.

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