Chapter 15

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I turned to the left to see if Mason had started and saw him staring at me.

"Uh Mason?"

I touched my face and felt nothing on it.

"Um Mason what's you uh starring at?"

He still continued looking at my direction like I wasn't even the--

Wait a minute

I turned around to see if there was something behind me and I saw a cool car that could buy me.

"Oh I see, your staring at the car, for a second there I thought you where staring at me haha. Are you done with the wo--"

Mason suddenly stood up and stormed out the door.

Um Was it something I said?

Everyone just sat there suprised, even Mr Johnson, "Sir can I go use the rest room?"

"Sure go ahead but make sure you and your partner finish the work i gave, I want to see it next class" Mr Johnson said looking out of it.

"Okay, Thank you sir" I quickly packed my bags and ran out the class.

I ran to the halls and saw Mason just leave the school doors, I ran as fast as I could to the school doors.

I saw Mason go to the back of the school and decided to follow him, He still hadn't noticed me yet so I just continued to follow him, as quietly as I could.

We got there and I hid behind the dumpster and watched Mason go up to a group of suspicious looking boys, suspicious as in they look like they are in a mafia or a gang or are just a group of bamboos with nothing better to do than play dress up.

"I wonder what he's up too" I whispered.

"Why did you come here?" Mason said in a deep voice I have never heard.

There where 3 boys, the one in the middle looked like the leader of them all and when he stepped forward my hunch was right.

"Where's the money pretty boy?" He said looking Mason right in the eye.

"I told you to hold on, I don't have the money yet" Mason said very seriously.

"Oh come on, you expect us to believe that Ase? Your dad's rich just ask him for the money, it's just 500 dollars" the one on the left said.

"Yh I thought your dad was rich why can't you get 500 dollars?" The one on the right said.

"I don't have the money alright and when I do I'll bring it to you myself" Mason said.

"No we want the money right now" the one in the middle said.

"But I just said I don't have it" Mason said getting angrier at the second.

The one in the middle fisted up and threw a fast punch at Mason and hit him right in the jaw.

"Ouch that's gonna leave a mark" I whispered.

Mason pulled a fast one on him and punched him back square in the face and I heard a cracking sound, ouch I think Mason broke his nose.

They started fighting and the other two just stood there cheering there leader, who was clearly losing the fight.

I gotta do something before this gets out of hand, I checked my bag for money and I had 500 dollars.

Aww man I wanted to get a new shoe with this, I guess no shoe for me bummer.



Hey guys🌹


Thank you


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2021 ⏰

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