Kobakiel , Swimming , and Faction's meeting ,

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Well. That was an odd omake. Yep.. I am hilarious and you will quote everything I say. Did I nail it?
Ivan : Yield.

Xenovia : I give up.

Ivan help her up. And walks with his other self.

Ivan : Goodbye.

??? : Wait!

Ivan and other self stopped and looks at Xenovia.

Ivan : What is it?

Xenovia : Why did you help get up I was rude to her? Why?!

Ivan answers her with a smile.

Ivan : Xenovia. People like you sometimes suffers , some unavoidable fate and Destiny but if you can change it. Then you have the power. And what's wrong helping people if they fall. You grab that person and help him/her up. If you need help you ask the right person.

Ivan and his other self was gone. And walks back to the home. His other self.

Ivan Saber : Seems we are alike. But different person, fate and destiny.

Ivan : We are. But protecting the most you love is no problem. But not able to protect them is a depressed parts.

After that chat with his other self. He started learning many dishes with Emiya. Well Senko asks as well to teach. While Raikou , Arotria , and Atalante is fixing. And lastly Mash and Gudako asks Kintoki (From Lost belt 5.5) to help .

And Raikou she acted motherly to Ivan , his other self , Kintoki , Mashu and Gudako.
No one pov

Ivan was walking with his Saber self. They both have same ideals but it differs... No matter how many people questions their differences. Ivan and his Saber self has same skill set.

Possessing a Counter Guardian and a
Ten no Kusari Erukidu. Both of their skills and strength matches....

Gudako meanwhile wanted to Bring Ivan Assassin. His help would be granted if they wanted. Kintoki has been running away from Raikou. And His and other selfs had no idea how to run her.

Ivan again was visited by a 10 black wings. In his home. His name was Azazel and what kind of honor he would visit his home.

Azazel : You must be Ivan.

Ivan : and you must be Governor Fallen Angel Azazel.

Azazel : well flattery is good. But it won't be enough

Ivan : I don't need them old man. Why are you here then.

Azazel : Those whom who brought in your home. And one person looking like you.. Is it really you?

Ivan : Who else it would be.

??? : He is me after all we same ideals but different results.

It was Ivan Saber.. His alternative Counter Guardian.

Azazel : You look the same you could deceive many people by looking at you.

Ivan : I don't use the other me to do work.. I don't become all jack of shit..

Azazel : Fair point.. But I would have a mission for you. Of course.

Ivan : Mission eh. Tell me problem on you being Perverted?

Azazel : Hey! Close man. But one of my superior is going warmonger.

Ivan : And where did you receive this.

DXD : Pledge Under Thunder and Snow(Author insert Self)Where stories live. Discover now