Vali vs Ivan Chaos Brigade, Asgard

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Hello Author here . Did anyone like the story if you do thank you then. I've been working on this....

This time Ivan was serious. He chanted an aria. The whole world was shaking.

Play this

Katrea : What the hell?!

They Ivan Saber. Was copying a person. The one who slash Onriedo Castle.

A clang of metal was heard

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A clang of metal was heard. Flames were going around Ivan's other self.

Ivan Saber : I am Not The Invincible Swordsman Jubei ,

Neither The Highly Praised Master of espionage Hanzō,

nor the renown Onmyouji Abe no Seimei.

More than anything, just a swordsmith.

But unpreparedness spelt your defeat.

The aria become stronger it was shaking the whole world. The Pantheons were able to sense another person.

Once seeking for the ultimate blade.

A blade of steel cutting no flesh, nor bones and neither life.

What I seek for is the clearance of resentment.         

The cutting of bonds, fate and destiny.       

That is, to free onesself from Karma.

Upon ones arrival are countless tools.

Carved over a thousand blades, forming a pile of swords.

This is the place where all paths cross

This is the place where all desires flow

This is the place where all deaths await

My whole life was for this single swing.

The heart of the blade is right here!
Take this,

The flame become stronger. It was His decision to dedicate to one no multiple.

This is my Senji Muramasa!!!

Ivan Saber slashes Katarea Leviathan and got Obilerated no destroyed.

DXD : Pledge Under Thunder and Snow(Author insert Self)Where stories live. Discover now