Chapter 2

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By 6:30 p.m. the five lads had slept off their jet lag and had freshened up in time to meet each other in the lobby to walk to dinner together. All the boys had worn different patterns and colors of button ups and skinny jeans while Amy had worn black ripped jeans with a blue crop top and jacket that nicely matched her eyes.

"Hello and welcome to WildTuna, how many?" The host behind the front counter asked.

"Six please!"    "Of course right this way then!" And as the waiter led them to a booth in the back corner of the small cozy restaurant.

"Here you go, a waitress will be back in a few to get your drink order, enjoy!"

"Thank you!" Liam waved as the rest of them sat down and took a look at what drinks sounded the best and were the cheapest. The six stuck with water or sodas to keep the bill down and not touching alcohol after last night. 

"What can I get you guys to eat?" A middle-aged woman asked taking out her notepad and pen.

"Can we get two california rolls, two eel rolls an-" "AND A SPICY DRAGON ROLL!" Niall blurted over Harry in the midst of conversation. Everyone around just laughed while Niall just went a dark shade of red.

"Yeah what the blonde said!" Louis laughed as the waitress wrote down the last of their orders.

While they waited for the food to arrive the six of them talked and joked about classes, mid term, parties, the following days and the hot seniors Zayn and Liam could get with.

"Here are the rolls, please enjoy and just call me over if you need anything!" She nodded and walked away letting them continue the conversation, having it flow just like it did before. Just as Harry was about to take a bite of his food he felt his pocket vibrate signaling it was a text.


Hey It's James, I have your clothes in my room, be at room 113 in 20?

Sounds good and thank you again:)

*James hearted a message*

Once everyone felt like they had filled up on food and chugged the last bit of their drinks, Niall and Amy got up walking hand in hand a little ahead so they could get to their room because Niall was getting antsy.  Zayn, Liam and Louis were walking across the parking lot talking and play fighting with each other like they were in their own world, making Harry happy that Louis was happy as well but he only wished that could last forever.

The rest of the walk was like that, jokes and comments being passed around throughout the air, the most random of noises not knowing where they could have come from and jumping over curbs just like being  little kids again.

"Hey guys i'll catch up with you y'all tomorrow morning before we leave for the mountains, goodnight everyone!" Harry commented walking past the elevators and to the stairs instead.

"Goodnight!" The three boys and Amy said in illusion not asking any questions.

"Why aren't you going back to our room Harry?" Louis whispered into Harry's ear so only he could hear, having a confused and insecure tone.

"James has my clothes because I couldn't fit it in my own suitcase at the airport, I'll be back in a few, I promise." Harry said as he kissed Louis' cheek and strutted his way up the three flights of  stairs to room 113.


"Hey Harry! Thanks for stopping by so quick I know it's kind of late, your stuff is right over here!"

James directed Harry over to the pile of clothes on the ground picking them up and turning around heading for the door. "Do you want to stay a little bit? Since it isn't too late?"

"Oh yeah no, I really should be-" But before Harry could finish James had his lips on his and Harry  felt frozen. The fast motions ended with Harry being pinned against the wall with James' chest pressed onto his. They were lightly but quickly kissing each other and before things could take another step into the wrong direction there was a knock on the door. James muttered nonsense under his breath and opened the door when James' roommate peeked through the small crack of the opening door and walked in.

"Oh shit sorry, was I interrupting something?  Just came to get some rest before the whole Skiing festival tomorrow!" Also a guy from his classes, Nick Grammy or something.

So like anyone else, Harry panicked wanting the world to suck him up right then and there but instead he had to face his fears just like every other day.

"Well that's my cue, Thanks again James, night!" Harry shouted before sprinting out of the room with his clothes in one hand and slamming the door behind him.

He silently walked down the flight of stairs and down the hall until he walked past Niall's room hearing what sounded like moans and clapping, he silently laughed knowing he would nag him about it tomorrow.

As Harry walked into the warm and dark room only light being a lamp on the left side of the bed, he stripped out of his clothes so he was only in boxers and walked over to the bed where Louis was just drifting off to sleep. He threw his clothes into his suitcase and shut the lamp as he climbed into bed while having Louis cuddle in closer to him and kissing his toasty forehead. As Harry looked up at the ceiling trying to calm his mind down his last thoughts were "it's only one little secret."
lmfao this is so embarrassing, pinky swear it only gets better..

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