Chapter 7

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"Harry! It's not doing anything, the napkins, it's all useless!" James was now shouting over the music that was blasting from the speakers a couple feet away. Everyone decided that was a better idea, being too tipsy to get up on stage.

"And what do you want me to do about that?" Harry just shot him a sarcastic look and ate the nachos that were delivered a couple minutes ago for FREE. Obviously because of his good singing skills and not because he was insanely attractive... Totally.

"Like look at how mouth-watering this is, the flavoursome steak and chicken, piled with newly washed veggies and drizzled with fresh, hot melted cheese. Like i died and went to heaven if you're asking me." Harry shoved a few more chips into his mouth and James just scuffed in return knowing Harry was only messing with him.

"Harryyyy, seriously what the hell mate!" James just made a sad puppy dog face, eyeing all up and down Harry.

Harry had finally fully acknowledged James, seeing how wet he actually is, clothes being much darker than they were hours before. "Here let me help you." Harry reached to grab a napkin and soaked it in his water he hadn't touched, dabbing it onto James only shirt.

"Hey um I have a uh shirt under this sweater, if you want to change into that instead?" Harry requested because he knew doing this for the next half an hour was a waste. "If you are, sure, that would be great, yeah! Thanks Harry." James smiled and got up from his chair holding out his hand for Harry to take and heading towards the bathrooms.

James was shirtless just waiting for Harry to hand him over his shirt.

Well Harry was taking his shirt off, James eyeing him up and down, seeing all of his tattoos, so memorized. He didn't even notice Harry handing him a dry and soft shirt. Harry just laughed which James didn't fully approve of and rolled his eyes putting on the shirt.

"Nice tattoo." James moved his fingertips over Harry's butterfly tattoo in the middle of his chest.

Harry didn't look up, just hurried to put the sweater on, opened the bathroom door and muttered under his breath on the way out. James sat mouth hung open, overlooking the pub coming more to life by the second.

But he knew why Harry was self conscious of it.

He knew why Harry was upset about the bringing up of it.

He knew what the tattoo meant to him.
Because it was because of-

"Hey man, I gotta piss. Can you like, move or get outta here?" Some hammered brunette with a blue beanie on his head and a good amount of tattoos on both arms and neck came stumbling into the single bathroom.

James just threw a sloppy kiss on the brunette's cheek and left without a word.

James approached the high top seeing Harry just staring blankly at his phone. "Thank you for lending me the shirt Harry."

Harry just turned the phone to James and let his head slam onto the table underneath him.

"I'm in some deep shit."

James read what he could on the screen.

A couple hundred messages, about 30 missed calls, along with some voicemails, and even a couple Instagram DM's.

The names changed from Zayn, to Niall to Liam to 'Lou Blue'. The most recent notification being just a couple minutes ago to the first text being 9 hours ago at 11 a.m.

"You should go give them a call, they are obviously worried about you." James reckoned while reading over a couple of the texts.

Text from: Zayn
Hey Mate! Where are you?
Call me?
I'm driving around, text me if you need a ride, ok?

Text from: Liam
We are worried about you!
Lou is crying like crazy, call us so we know you are alright.

Text from: Niall
Who are you with lad?
You're freaking everyone out, answer the phone will you?

Text from: Lou Blue
Harry, please respond!
I love you.

James almost gagged at the last text but he looked at Harry with hopeful eyes, moving his head towards the door, mentally slapping himself for being so caring and considerate.

"Or we could just leave and pretend I never saw all the texts and listened to all the furious voicemails? And I will just get yelled at whenever I or we get back to the hotel. Hopefully they are too tired to yell at me anyway." Harry voiced out, (thinking it was the best idea ever). James had agreed and got his coat and in his decently tipsy manner with Harry doing the same.

The two walked out just like they walked in, James first, Harry a couple feet behind having the warm intoxicating air become the comfortless and dull October streets. There wasn't a car or anybody in sight, surprising for a town this size to feel and be so lifeless.

"Thank you for, you know spending the day with me and everything." James and Harry were walking down to a parking lot where their uber would meet them in just a few minutes."Yeah, I had a lot of fun!" Harry did in fact have a good time but that wasn't surprising. "You really are the life of the party, like your 'so called performance' was really good!" "You should have come up and danced or sang along with me though, would have added more spice!" The two of them bickered back and forth about the day making senseless comments about everything they saw.

Harry and James were now walking next to each other on the narrow sidewalk seeing the parking lot in the distance but mostly deserted, with no grey Subaru. But that didn't matter to them because there was no awkward silence and the conversation just kept flowing.

After walking for a few more moments, Harry and James arrived at the parking lot, having their conversation die down and placing themselves against a brick wall facing the parking, still no sign of the grey Subaru that should be picking them up any minute. Then something unmistakable happened.

James pinned Harry against the brick wall and started sucking on his neck, leaving a love bite on the right inside of his neck with Harry only heavy breathing in response. James licked and blew over the purple and red mark he left and started slowly kissing up Harry's neck having Harry's heart and breathing increasing by the second.

James was finally face to face to Harry, staring into each other's eyes. His heart beat faster and faster as James' face came up to his own. The tension felt hotter and higher, warming up the cold air around them, making their bare skin underneath boil. James tilted his head angling his lips right onto Harry's, tasting the alcohol stained onto his tongue. The kiss was aggressive and needy, wanting all there was to offer. Harry opened his mouth having James tongue slide right in, like it was made to be.

A car door opened.

James pushed himself closer to Harry, closing the gap between them.

A car door slammed closed.

Harry put his arms around James neck, deepening the kiss.

Footsteps moved closer.

Gasps and moans were spread throughout the air surrounding them.

The movements and other outside noise stopped. That was fast?

The kiss stopped a few seconds later. James was staring at Harry when Harry came back to realization, he didn't stop the movements of the sparks against his lips. It didn't feel right but it didn't feel like a mistake. What has he gotten himself into?

James pressed more light pecks up his face, from his cheek to nose to nibbling on his ear and whispering the words, "No one finds out about this, yeah?"

"Who's not going to find out? because I just did you asshole!" James and Harry both turned their heads in illusion to look at the small figure standing in the shadows a couple feet away, jaw and hands clenched, tears daring to fall at any given moment, body weak and ready to stumble down into a ball, wanting to hide away from the outside world.

Louis' eyes met Harry's, when a different pair of blue eyes met green, the ones that never had belonged to him.

How's the story now?
The last paragraph though.... hit the feels 😏

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