Chapter 9

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Harry's flight didn't board for two more hours, which meant he had a lot of time to think, or do quite anything really. He walked to the opposite end of the airport to where his terminal was and thought about what exactly him and Louis are, not wanting to put a name on it or anything. Louis didn't seem the least happy to see him but didn't seem as bothered as before when he went into the tunnel to enter the plane. Harry was thinking about Zayn and how offended he looked when he walked past Harry with busted knuckles. Or how Niall felt having to witness his best friend kissing someone he shouldn't be. Having to pry away his other best friend so he wouldn't hurt himself more and hold him when his boyfriend wouldn't answer the phone all day. And how Liam felt giving Harry more hope and reassurance than needed and still not daring to yell or lay a hand on him. And not caring how James feels because it was a mistake from the beginning, even years ago.

All the thinking and feelings were too much for Harry so he got up still having an hour till boarding and went and got some food. Dragging his backpack along with some music playing through his headphones and adding some head bops along with it. Harry had stopped at Starbucks getting a cinnamon latte and a chocolate croissant. Weird order, but Louis pressured him into getting it once and it kind of just stuck. Not that he minded it.

Harry grabbed his order swerving through the other people who were waiting for their own orders and went to sit down at a hightop.  He scrolled through his phone looking through twitter and Instagram and actually posting a selfie, no caption just showing off his half eaten croissant, one dangling headphone, hair static and a foam beard resting right above his lip.

It was probably a stupid idea to have coffee at midnight right before a flight where the best idea is to sleep so he doesn't sleep on the uber ride home, because that totally isn't awkward but Harry finished the latte nonetheless. Harry threw the cup away and headed back to the most uncomfortable seats he has ever sat in and blasted his favorite playlist while looking out the big square windows gazing out to see colorful lights forming into a straight line leading planes and people to their new destinations.


Harry sat down in his seat near the end of the plane and placed his bag down in front of him. By now the plane was full capacity and directions were being given in case anything bad happens or the plane goes down. All he did was check his phone for the last time, seeing the three boys back at the hotel sent their luck through messages and GIF's. Harry silented his phone and drifted off into a deep-enough sleep.

The ride back wasn't terrible, turbulence was minor and no babies but the guy next to Harry kept his light on because reading was so important in the middle of the night. Harry just sheepishly rolled his eyes not having enough energy to start any banter. Getting comfortable didn't take long but after a while you get sick of the same spot or your neck and legs cramp. Harry did say he had it lucky when he had a window seat so when he couldn't sleep he could calm his mind down with the darkness of the outside.

So when Harry was awoken by the blaring lights of the aircraft he could say he was pissed and absolutely exhausted. He waited for what felt like forever until it was finally his rows turn to gather their stuff and head into the warm and home-like airport of AZ. Harry trotted his way from the terminal to the exit of the airport, so thankful not having to go through the whole process of baggage claim.

The weather was about 70 degrees which was pleasing and refreshing from the bone chilling weather he had just returned from. Which actually resulted in Harry taking his jacket off, glad he left on the t-shirt from earlier.

Waiting for the Uber was no hassle, chilling on a bench and taking every ounce of the warmth in. The stars were shining and the noise of the planes landing and taking off was entertaining. Humming to the music still going through Harry's headphones, thinking back to when he and Louis made a 12 hour playlist putting every song under the sun they could think of on it. And then that led to another time before that arguing if they should make a 'family plan' or just have individual one's which resulted in three rounds of rock, paper, scorissers. Harry won because that is definitely not Louis' strong suit, or so he says. Harry made sure to kiss the frown right off his face though.

Smiling to himself, fully zoned out a honk was heard from a few feet away and a following question that Harry couldn't put the words to add up to but nodded anyway. Harry gave the man his address to his University, excited no seniors are back yet and wanting to catch up with Louis before any more shenanigans. 

The ride back was 'normal' but lowkey and boring. Either Harry was spread out in the back trying to catch some sleep, or endlessly scrolling on the same couple apps, making small talk with the driver or humming to the quiet radio that was on.

When the car came to a slow stop and the doors unlocked Harry was relieved all he had to do was walk across campus and finally sleep off the jet-lag. He hopped out paying the only money he had left and darted  his way across the yards of moist grassy fields, pushing doors open, jumping up flights of stairs, skipping down the very known hall of his own and stopping to unlock the room he couldn't believe he missed so much.

The dorm of two (but really fit all five of them) looked plain and felt empty except for the dirty clothes on the ground and beds unmade. Louis wasn't in the shared bed of his and Harry's but Harry also knew he probably needed time to think and consume everything that had happened in the last 24 hours so Harry really didn't mind. A nice big bed to himself surely isn't that bad.

Not a terribly long one...

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