Chapter 10

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Harry awakened with the sun shining in through the peep holes of the blinds. Twisting and turning, grunting and groaning, Harry pushed the sheets off of his mostly exposed body and pulled on some fuzzy socks left on the floor. Wearing an oversized shirt and underwear Harry walked to the bathroom to brush his teeth and comb out his tangled hair. He then took a quick shower to wash off his drowsy mood, using his sweet strawberry body wash and shampoo. The shower consisted of singing Alec Benjamin and Ed Sheeran and throwing in some dance moves when feeling like it. Except when Harry was doing his ultimate high note he got soap in his eyes and that was the end of that for him.

He got out, wrapping a towel around his waist basically choking on the steam filling the small bathroom and scrummaging through his dresser for a fresh outfit. After changing and washing his face, Harry needed to put something in his stomach. So Harry put on some converse and headed to the bakery a couple blocks away.

Strolling through the fields he had run through just hours ago and gazing through small shops along the way to the very well known bakery. Harry and the lads study or catch up over tea and order a full buffet when it's needed, so most of the bakers or servers know them and their orders.

Harry enters the small bakery on the end corner of the street with a little chime that makes him lose his shit but you didn't hear it from him. Harry still welcomed the cashier with a warm smile, looking through the pastries.

"The usual or feeling something different today Harold?" The cashier was an older lady that Harry dreams to be just like in the future, sweet, always up for some humor and treats everyone around her with love and kindness. "Hm yeah I think so Cheryl, I will do a blueberry muffin and my usual tea please!" Harry had said, dimple popping out and smiling like the sun. She just scurried to get the meal ready while Harry sat down at a two seater table.

Harry had the whole day and room to himself, not knowing if Louis wanted to see him yet but Harry did reach out earlier while he was walking. Harry actually sent a picture of the bakery knowing it was one of Louis' favorite places. He added a smiley face to the text as well, hoping it made him smile just as big as himself. 

He had got his muffin and tea from the counter within a couple minutes, thrilled he was basically the only one there. That means he could record his daily vlogs, which Harry also does because it brings him joy and obviously a couple hundred thousand other people. He posts them on Youtube which is where all the followers he has are but on other apps it's only a couple thousand. It is just a head start at his singing career. Harry would talk about what he has been up to, or what idiotic things the boys have made or done, or what he has eaten or cooked up himself, or what college is like, or who won in the latest video game matches, or what Louis and him got into an argument over or just answering questions every now and then.

It's nice being able to talk about anything and everything to people that actually care and listen. To talk without being judged or looked at any differently. It seems so hard now then years back when you were a kid because you have different responsibilities and opinions. Everything seems harder now, like every little thing you do is another challenge to overcome. Like it really doesn't get easier you just learn to live with it.

Walking back into the dorm room, Harry laid down exhausted, not even for a reason, probably all the boredom and the extent of thinking lately.  He couldn't wait to see the boys again even though it was just a day, but Harry did miss their usual routines and conversations. Where Liam and Zayn have earlier classes so you hear the shower running or the sink on full blast or drawers and closets being opened.  Whereas Harry and Niall have classes way later in the day so the two of them get the room to themselves playing video games and taking turns in the bathroom. Louis is in between both of the two groups, so about an hour or so after Li and Z leave he gets ready trying his best not to make as much noise. The lads have every couple classes with one another, so they aren't too upset about it.

The nap lasted a couple hours, either nightmares or falling into a light sleep, trying to find a comfortable spot or the temperature wasn't coraperting. His whole body felt itchy and hot, neck cramping from changing position. Wanting everything in his body to relax but having it be the complete opposite. Annoyed, Harry grunted and went to wash up in the bathroom before waiting for Niall, Zayn and Liam to come 'home'.


Wow this one is shorter... Sorry!
It's almost done:(
How is it so far though? hehe....

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