Chapter 4

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The boys finished their meals and paid the bill, (well Liam did considering only him and Zayn had jobs) and it was left with a number on it. Because Liam paid he was the first and thankfully the only one who saw it, thinking it was most likely for Zayn. He shoved the receipt in his back pocket and got up getting his coat on, signaling to the other lads that everything was all set. Louis finished his conversation of football and the group made their way out the restaurant giving shallow smiles to everyone they walked by.

As the five boys made their way down the street, the only thing being seen was the snow falling and light posts every couple of feet. Louis and Zayn wanted to have a quick smoke, so Niall,Liam and Harry all followed them around the corner so they were in an alley. The sky was a pretty light cotton candy color and smelt like smoke and the glistening crystals falling onto everyone's hair and coats. At that very moment it seemed like everyone felt a little happy and free, not needing to worry about any upcoming exams, or the amount of money they needed or already spent, just for once, in the moment with their favorite people.


Harry woke up with the sound of his alarm clock blaring in his ear at a relatively early hour, he shut off his alarm as fast as he could trying not to wake Louis up. He took a deep breath and stretched before making his way slowly out of bed, pulling the sheets back up to Louis' chin and giving him a kiss on his relaxed forehead.

Harry was in the shower washing his hair, trying to think of a way to tell Louis he was 'going out' without him. It's not that Lou would think he's cheating on him or anything, it's just they are on vacation together and Harry never really clarified with Louis if it was okay to spend time with someone else while they were all here as a group.

Harry got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist with a little frustration because he came up with nothing. He opened the door from the bathroom to the bedroom and was quite relieved when Louis was still sleeping, Harry tiptoed around the room to where the dresser of clothes. He shut the bathroom door and started changing into the black skinny jeans and red sweatshirt, brushed his teeth and styled his hair with his hands letting it air dry.

Harry put on his long black coat and brown boots, picked up his fully charged phone and stuffed it in his pocket making sure to check for the time and any notifications. No notifications, of course, and the time read as 9:30, Harry was quite impressed with himself considering he gets up after 12 because lucky him his classes are all either afternoon or late at night.

Harry decided he didn't want to wake precious Louis up so he wrote him a note, that was good enough right?

Dear Lou,

    I'm sorry to scare you, I'm going out for a bit to meet up with a friend, be back for dinner. Text me when you wake up princess! Love you.

                            -- Harry:)

Short and sweet, detailed enough for Harry. He kissed Louis again and placed the note down on the table next to the bed with a glass of water. Harry called an uber while walking out of his hotel room, hoping none of the other boys were up yet, not wanting to answer their questions or yell at him for being inconsiderate.

Harry walked down the two flights of stairs and out into the cold early morning air with the sun just rising and the last bit of pink fading away. He noticed a black Acura matching his picture on the uber app, parked a few feet away.

He put in his name and the address while hopping in the car. Harry noticed the warmth on his bottom and laid his head back on the leather seats before dozing off for the short ride and long day.

Harry awoke when a ding vibrated through his body and was surprised to see that the car was in fact pulling up to 'town' but what sent a second wave of shivers up his body was that him and James never set up a place to meet, which sent Harry into one of his panic attacks. Harry tried to distract himself because Louis isn't here and he always makes it better or atleast one of the boys does. So Harry pulled out his phone because that was his only option and noticed two unread messages.

Text from: James

    I figured i beat you down here, meet me at Starbucks!
    I'm in the back left corner if you can't find me:)

Harry felt saved and a wave of relief, he slowed his breathing down, and told the uber driver to take a right. Arriving only short minutes later.

Harry walked into starbucks feeling the cold lust air drift off into the distance being welcomed by warmth and a heavy smell of pumpkin spice. Harry followed James directions and approached him at the two seater table James was sitting in, not noticing Harry standing there. Harry silently laughed at the scene in front of him, knowing he usually does this when he's in an awkward situation, but that seems to get James attention.

"Oh shoot, sorry Harry, please sit down was just a little distracted!" James explained, correcting his posture while Harry was hysterically laughing, obeying James.

Harry and James were laughing with each other, getting some other customers to look at them and give them questioning looks but calmed down and caught their breath when a barista came over to take their order.

"Good morning, what can I get for you guys?" The waitress seemed almost disgusted?

Harry played it off and just skimmed the menu for what sounded the best. "Can I have an Iced macchiato and a veggie sandwich please." When Harry looked up from the menu he noticed the waitress wasn't looking.

"Um-" But before Harry could say anything else the waitress interjected.

"What did you say Fag?" This time the waitress was looking Harry dead in the eyes with a smothered smile across her face.

James was stunned to say the least, he wanted to stick up for Harry but he's seen this all happen before and it hurts. So he sat there fist clenched and head hung low.

So Harry slowly and quietly repeated his order, not daring to meet the girl's devilish eyes. All she did was nod and walked away uttering some more words that Harry couldn't put his mind to understand.

Yeah...  That was something wasn't it?
How's the story so far? 😛
And how is everyone feeling atm?

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