Chapter 11

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Turns out Harry must have dozed off because he woke up on the chilling bathroom floor with a post-it note saying "Out:)" stuck on his forehead. So Harry took his free time to shower and freshen up, rearrange the boys suitcases up and off the ground, played FIFA for hours on end, going to the cafe whenever he wanted to snack on something, went on a walk and thought. When Harry got bored of FIFA for the day, he just sat in criss-cross position and stared endlessly at the wall, almost like looking for answers. The boys returned late at night, usually just changing or going to bed, sometimes taking showers beforehand.

That's how most days went for the last couple weeks. Harry either played football against the wall, finding something to scroll through on his phone, more video games, rearranging the now deserted room, walking anywhere, up and down stairs, across campus, to and from town, it was basically his only form of exercise. If Harry had to go to classes, he would. Showers became a distant friend. So did his actual friends, he figured the three of them slept in a hotel or stayed at a friends house the days they wouldn't come back to the dorm. Whenever Zayn, Niall and Liam did come back they seemed gloomy and sometimes yelled at Harry. Saying that it was all his fault that Louis was ignoring them but admitted that the three of them have visited him a few times. So I don't know why they are so mad?

If Harry did try to talk back or defend himself someone yelled and yelled again and yelled again, everytime feeling like the yelling was getting louder making Harry feel like he was getting smaller and smaller. Almost like waves were capsizing over him and he was drowning. So small and forbidden. Voices were crawling all around the room, not knowing who was saying what.   

They all had a group hug after seeing Harry start shaking, Niall whispering soothing words into the air hoping it will calm him down. It in fact did, being back in the warmth of others, having a shoulder to cry on and a body to lean on was something Harry significantly needed. So that's what he got.


Harry was startled awake by the sound of heavy rain and a crash of thunder. He was sharing a bed with Zayn while Niall and Liam were in the other bed a few feet away. Harry smiled to himself remembering the old times years ago when the five of them would do arm wrestles to see who would get the beds and who would sleep on the floor. They all rotated every night, only because it was fair. It was around 10 in the morning, the first good night's sleep in months. Liam was reading a book; he has always been an early riser. Niall was snoring, like usual which is why he sleeps on the ground as often as possible. Zayn looked rested and relaxed, arms positioned in front of his chest, like sleeping beauty. Harry's mind wandered off to Louis and how peaceful he might be right now and who he might be spending the days with.

"Hey Li, you up for some fun?"  Harry whispered, getting Liam's attention off his book and looking up to meet Harry's eyes.

"I'm trusting you not to do anything stupid?" Liam raised his eyebrow more intrigued.

"No promises!" Harry went into a fit of giggles and shook Zayn up, having Liam do the same for Niall.  The four boys got their raincoats on and threw on some shin high boots and made their way racing each other down the hall and skipping the whole flight of stairs. Pushing through the main doors, one after one being barbaded with the contact of rain on their skin.

Jumping into puddles, spinning in circles like a tornado, thunder sounding from up above, the dark atmosphere surrounding them and hair dripping down their foreheads. Is, for the first time in months, made the four feel so alive. Because there are people out there that aren't, because people out there are suffering without a single soul knowing or acknowledging.  Because losing yourself is the hardest battle to fight, and not everyone recovers.

After a couple hours the group decided to go inside, rain still going but everyone soaking head to toe. Niall had slipped running and brought Liam down with him, again. It doesn't usually rain quite ever in the hot state of Arizona, only a few inches per year so the boys knew they had to take advantage. Everyone seemed like they enjoyed themselves and let loose. Just like the little kids they used to be, wishing they could act like nut jobs every day.

Laughing, Niall, Liam, Zayn and Harry walked back inside, juking and tripping one another while walking up the stairs and down the familiar hall. Dripping puddles every step they take. Entering the room, immediately taking off the boots and heavy damp jackets and deciding to just leave them in a pile in the closet to deal with some other time. The four changed into warm clothes, sweatshirts, shorts, fuzzy socks and a couple blankets from back home.

Niall said to form a circle and wait. So Zayn, Liam and Harry sat in circle formation trying to eye what Niall was digging for. He made a satisfied sound and held up a box. Oh, a board game, duh. It was monopoly, the whole group's favorite. Niall opened the box, spreading the game board and placing it down in front of them, giving everyone the pieces they asked for and passing the money out equally.

Playing this game specifically takes forever, never learn to realize that. Pieces and money were being thrown in frustration, glares being given, taunting, funny and focused faces, angered and stumped noises, this game was only for the winners. That winner was Zayn, well the game didn't exactly end but he had the most money left.

That's pretty much how the night ended. Niall and Zayn in one bed, Liam in the other except Harry decided to sleep on the ground. No reason in particular, that's what he told the boys at least but Harry actually wanted to write a song. He has been thinking about it lately and came up with a few verses, pretty impressed with what he has come up with so far. Harry had written what he had in a notebook Louis had got him for his last birthday.

Now you are standing there right in front of me
I hold on it's getting harder to breathe
All the sudden these lights are blinding me
I never noticed how bright they would be

I saw in the corner there is a photograph
No doubt in my mind it's a picture of you
It lies there alone in it's bed of broken glass
This bed was never made for two

I'll keep my eyes wide open
I'll keep my arms wide open

Don't let  me
Don't let me
Don't let me go
Cause I'm tired of feeling alone

Harry sang just above a whisper, voice raspy. He rereads the page all the time, whenever he is feeling it. Harry felt like he accomplished something, stoked he wrote his first ever song.

With that Harry pushed the notebook under the bed and pulled the thick blanket up to his chin. Resting into the warm pillow and spreading his legs out on the cool hardwood floor beneath him. Last thing being heard was Niall's snores and the light breathing above him, falling into a peaceful sleep.


So that was a handful?
How is it so far? Like it enough to finish the last chapter up?
Thank you whoever is reading this, if anyone is:)
Have a great day!

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