Chapter 5

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A new barista came back to drop off Harry's meal ten minutes later, she had a sorrowful look on her face obviously hearing about what happened but she didn't say a word. Just placed the food down, gave a little smile and walked away. Harry just slightly looked up and shot her a little smile as well, still grieving over what happened and trying not to let it ruin the rest of his day. James and Harry didn't say a word to each other the whole ten minutes and even when Harry started eating but soon the silence broke when James started talking.

"So what do you want to do today?" James kind of blurted it out and actually turned his head properly up, locking eyes with Harry.

"Um I don't really care, walk around and find some tour or gallery to look at, maybe?" Harry replied, smiling a little wider because he's always had a thing for stuff like that, getting to view places and things from a different perspective.

James had agreed and Harry was cheering like a little girl going to get ice cream, but making sure not to get the other baristas attention. Thinking of that made Harry realize that James never brought up the outbreak that happened a little while earlier, was he uncomfortable and embarrassed by him or did he just not know what to say? Either way Harry didn't care enough. They both got up, Harry going to throw his trash away and James to pay because he insisted because "he's the one who invited Harry."

James and Harry started their way down the sidewalk going more into the depths of town, surprisingly crowded with people that were either walking into them or trotting along beside them. James and Harry stuck together, for the most part side by side. Until Harry saw what he thought he needed most. All Harry did was grab James' hand and strut along the sidewalks monorving through people until they stopped in front of a big neon sign and two big doors with the words 'entrance' written on them.

"Harry what is this? Why are we here?" James misunderstood why they were sitting in front of an art gallery that connected into an indoor butterfly garden of all places. Harry looked at him sideways while James stared right back at him with a questioning look.

"Please I have always wanted to go to a place like this! Please, please, please! What else are we going to do all day? It's so pretty! Have you been to an art gallery? We don't even have to buy anything! Do you know how-" 

"OK HARRY! Fine we can go! My gosh, you ramble a lot!" James huffed giving a knowing and sarcastic look towards Harry while walking slowly to the doors. Harry just stuck his tongue out and followed shortly behind James, walking into the building having to adjust his eyes to the dim lighting.

Harry and James paid separately for their wristbands and started to the left of the circle wanting to end their journey with the butterfly garden and start with the little paintings and progressively having them get bigger, Harry had explained it was the better idea.

As Harry and James started walking past the paintings knowing this would take them at least an hour to walk past the art and also knowing they wouldn't buy anything because of how expensive even the smallest paintings are. Harry stops at almost every painting, apparently "taking it all in." No one else was really there, unless it was old goey couples, which did in fact easeHarry's worries. The two made their way through the circle in two hours, most of the time James had to drag Harry to the next painting just for him to do the same thing.

When they were walking through the gated area and into the sheltered butterfly garden, James asked the question Harry didn't feel like answering not because it was a big daring question but because it hurt him to think about.

"So when did you get into Art and nature exhibits? Never would have guessed." James said it bluntly and sorta...mean? "Not that it's bad obviously, just curious is all." There it is.

"Oh um, a couple months ago i guess." Harry turned away from facing James and sped up to enter the doors full of colors and life, hoping to put an end to the conversation.

Harry was speechless, he just stood there looking at the flying moths and butterflies and all the tall flowers and smaller trees just over his head. "Wow, It's beautiful!" Harry announced not to anyone inpartcaly. "Yeah, it really is." James admitted taking a look around. No one knows this but James has always had a soft spot for stuff like this, especially butterflies, his favorite thing ever.

They walked through a little maze, moving side by side taking turns sniffing flowers and cooing over colors of the insects flying around and landing on them or the flower next to them. The square of the garden was short so when they rounded the last corner Harry tried stalling but noticed that he was actually alone, James had disappeared from his side, only to be a couple feet behind him memorized by a black and white butterfly. Harry turned around and started walking towards James trying to study the butterfly fully when James turned towards Harry, eyeing him down while grabbing his arm and basically running towards the exit. Harry was quite confused to say the least until he added two and two together.

That is the exact butterfly Harry has imprinted onto his skin.

It was James' favorite butterfly.

But it's more than just a butterfly to the both of them.

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